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Release of the Reference Table, "Channels of Fund-raising by the Nonfinancial Sector" of the Flow of Funds Accounts

March 15, 2002
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department

The reference table, "Channels of Fund-raising by Nonfinancial Sector" of the Flow of Funds Accounts (hereafter "FFA") has been newly released.

This newly added table is processed from the original FFA so that the user can easily get an overview of the fund-raising by the nonfinancial sector as well as its major components.

The table will be made only on an annual basis for each fiscal year released together with the annual data of the FFA (the preliminary report and the finalized report will be published in June and September of the following fiscal year, respectively).

The summary and definitions of the table are explained in "The Outline of the Reference Table, 'Channels of Fund-raising by the Nonfinancial Sector.'"

"Outstanding of securities other than shares (face value basis)" has also been newly released as reference figures of the FFA. They are provided on the web site (Long-term time-series data) of the Bank of Japan.

For further information, contact:

Financial Statistics Group, Economic Statistics Division
Research and Statistics Department

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