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Alterations in "Assets and Liabilities of Financial Institutions, etc."

Statistics that had been available in the form of time-series data at the Bank's web site are now provided, with a few exceptions, in "BOJ Time-Series Data Search," a new page for data search.  Regardless of the notice below, some links to the time-series data have been removed.

May 24, 2005
Bank of Japan

The files for "Assets and Liabilities of Financial Institutions, etc." were changed as follows:

table : Alterations in "Assets and Liabilities of Financial Institutions, etc."
File Alterations The name of the items
  • Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts)
  • Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (Average Outstandings)
  • Assets and Liabilities of City Banks (Banking Accounts)
  • Assets and Liabilities of Regional Banks (Banking Accounts)
Stopped updating Securities Loaned

For inquiries, please contact to Financial Data Center, Bank Examination and Surveillance Department (E-mail: