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Revision of "Basic Figures on Fails"

November 12, 2015
Financial Markets Department
Bank of Japan

The Bank of Japan will apply the following changes to the definition of reference data in "Basic Figures on Fails," reflecting the full launch of the new Bank of Japan Financial Network System (BOJ-NET), which took place on October 13, 2015. In addition, a new format written in both Japanese and English will be adopted.

Data series affected by this revision

"DVP settlement of JGBs (Transfer registrations and book-entry transfers)/Number of transactions"
"DVP settlement of JGBs (Transfer registrations and book-entry transfers)/Total face value"


DVP settlement of changes in the names of JGB holders in the Registration Books under the JGB Registration System (transfer registrations) until October 9, 2015 is included in the data series, while that from October 13 is excluded. DVP settlement resulting from JGB-related operations from October 13 will be included in the data series.

Accordingly, the name of the data series will be changed to "DVP settlement of JGB (book-entry transfers)/Number of transactions" and "DVP settlement of JGB (book-entry transfers)/Total face value."


Market Infrastructure Division, Financial Markets Department

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