Question What is Gyoumu Gaikyo Sho (Outline of Business Operations)?
Gyoumu Gaikyo Sho (Outline of Business Operations, available only in Japanese) explains the implementation of the Bank's business operations in each fiscal year. The Bank releases it along with its financial statements and the statement of accounts (in accordance with Article 55 of the Bank of Japan Act). The Bank also releases in English an Annual Review that includes excerpts from the Gyoumu Gaikyo Sho.
Pursuant to the Act on Access to Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Article 22, paragraph 1), the Bank of Japan Act (Article 55), and the Bank's articles of incorporation (Article 8, paragraph 2), Gyoumu Gaikyo Sho is available to the public for perusal at the Bank's Head Office and branches.
Related Information
- Bank of Japan Act (Link to an external website)