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Chairman of the Policy Board

April 9, 2008
Bank of Japan

Following the appointment of Mr. Masaaki Shirakawa, a member of the Board, as the Governor, the Policy Board today elected Mr. Masaaki Shirakawa as the Chairman pursuant to Article 16, Section 3 of the Bank of Japan Law.

The Policy Board also designated, pursuant to Article 16, Section 5 of the Law, the following members of the Board to perform the duties of the Chairman when the Chairman is prevented from attending to his duties.

  1. Mr. Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, when Mr. Masaaki Shirakawa is prevented from attending to his duties.
  2. Ms. Miyako Suda, when Mr. Masaaki Shirakawa and Mr. Kiyohiko G. Nishimura are prevented from attending to their duties.