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List of Speeches Related to Financial System


List of Speeches
Date Speaker Title
May  27, 2024 UCHIDA Shinichi, Deputy Governor "Price Dynamics in Japan over the Past 25 Years" (Keynote Speech at the 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference Hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan) 
May  27, 2024 UEDA Kazuo, Governor Opening Remarks at the 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference Hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan 
Mar.  6, 2024 UEDA Kazuo, Governor "Progress and Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Financial System" (Speech at the 18th Asia-Pacific High-Level Meeting on Banking Supervision) 
May  31, 2023 UEDA Kazuo, Governor Opening Remarks at the 2023 BOJ-IMES Conference Hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan 
Nov. 15, 2022 KURODA Haruhiko, Governor "Sustainable Finance: Entering a New Phase of Implementation" (Remarks at the Paris EUROPLACE Tokyo International Financial Forum 2022) 
May  25, 2022 KURODA Haruhiko, Governor Opening Remarks at the 2022 BOJ-IMES Conference Hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan 
Nov. 29, 2021 KURODA Haruhiko, Governor "Role of Finance in Addressing Climate Change: Three Essential Elements" (Remarks at the Paris EUROPLACE Tokyo International Financial Forum 2021) 
Oct.  5, 2021 KURODA Haruhiko, Governor Opening Remarks at the TCFD Summit 2021 (via webcast) 
July 27, 2021 KURODA Haruhiko, Governor The Bank of Japan's Strategy on Climate Change (Speech at the Japan National Press Club) (via webcast) 
May  24, 2021 KURODA Haruhiko, Governor Opening Remarks at the 2021 BOJ-IMES Conference Hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan 
Mar. 25, 2021 KURODA Haruhiko, Governor "Addressing Climate-related Financial Risks -- From a Central Bank's Perspective --" (Opening Remarks at the International Research Workshop on Climate-related Financial Risks) 
Nov. 24, 2020 KURODA Haruhiko, Governor "Policy Measures to Date and in the Future, in Response to the Spread of COVID-19 -- Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis --" (Opening Remarks at the Virtual Conference Co-Hosted by the International Monetary Fund and the University of Tokyo) 
Nov. 28, 2019 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "International Financial Regulation and Supervision:Past Achievements, Current Issues, and Future Agendas" (Remarks at the Paris EUROPLACE Financial Forum in Tokyo) 
Nov.  7, 2019 Masayoshi Amamiya, Deputy Governor "Japan's Experience and Its Implications for China - Monetary Policy and Financial System -" (Speech at the PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University) Chinese Version 
Nov.  7, 2019 Masayoshi Amamiya, Deputy Governor "Japan's Experience and Its Implications for China - Monetary Policy and Financial System -" (Speech at the PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University) 
June  6, 2019 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "How Finance and ICT Combine: a Historical View on the Future" (Keynote Speech at the Institute of International Finance (IIF) Spring Membership Meeting) 
May  29, 2019 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor Opening Remarks at the 2019 BOJ-IMES Conference Hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan 
Nov. 19, 2018 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "Demographic Changes and Challenges for Financial Sector" (Remarks at the Paris EUROPLACE Financial Forum in Tokyo) 
May  30, 2018 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor Opening Remarks at the 2018 BOJ-IMES Conference Hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan 
Nov. 29, 2017 Hiroshi Nakaso, Deputy Governor "New Frontier of Macroprudential Policy: Addressing Financial Institutions' Low Profitability and Intensified Competition" (Speech at the Kin'yu Konwa Kai (Financial Discussion Meeting) Hosted by the Jiji Press) 
May   9, 2017 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "The Global Economy and the Global Financial System: In an Era of Revival and Metamorphosis " (Speech at the Institute of International Finance (IIF) Spring Membership Meeting) 
Feb. 16, 2017 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "Building a More Robust Financial System: Where Are We after the Global Financial Crisis and Where Do We Go from Here?" (Speech at the DICJ-IADI International Conference) 
Jan. 20, 2017 Hiroshi Nakaso, Deputy Governor "Monetary Policy Divergence and Global Financial Stability: From the Perspective of Demand and Supply of Safe Assets" (Speech at a Meeting Hosted by the International Bankers Association of Japan) 
Mar. 21, 2016 Hiroshi Nakaso,Deputy Governor "Challenges toward Financial Stability and the Policy Frontier: Unconventional Monetary Policy, Macroprudence, and Financial Institutions' Low Profitability" (Speech at the IVA-JSPS Seminar in Stockholm) 
Dec.  7, 2015 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "The Current Situation in Japan's Financial System and Macroprudential Policy" (Remarks at the Paris EUROPLACE Financial Forum in Tokyo) 
Sept.  2, 2015 Hiroshi Nakaso, Deputy Governor "Development Finance in the Economy Facing Double Trilemmas" (Article contributed to the Joint IMF-Bank Indonesia Conference "Future of Asia's Finance: Financing for Development 2015") 
Apr. 24, 2015 Hiroshi Nakaso, Deputy Governor "Asian Economy: Past, Present, and Future" (Keynote Address at the Securities Analysts Association of Japan International Seminar) 
Sept. 29, 2014 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "The Role of Foreign Financial Institutions in Japan's Financial System" (Speech at a Meeting Held by the International Bankers Association of Japan) 
July 24, 2014 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "Asia's Contribution to the Global Economy: Prospects and Challenges for the Transition to Domestic Demand-Led Growth" (Speech at the 4th Bank of Thailand Policy Forum Held in Bangkok, Thailand) 
June 19, 2014 Hiroshi Nakaso, Deputy Governor "The Conquest of Japanese Deflation: Interim Report" (Remarks at the Athens Symposium "Banking Union, Monetary Policy and Economic Growth") 
Apr. 23, 2014 Hiroshi Nakaso, Deputy Governor "What the Lost Decades Left for the Future" (Keynote Speech at the 2014 International Conference Held by the International Association of Deposit Insurers, Asia-Pacific Regional Committee) 
Oct. 12, 2013 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor Remarks at the Institute of International Finance Annual Membership Meeting 
May  26, 2013 Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor "Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing and the Financial System: Toward Realization of a Vigorous Financial System" (Speech at the 2013 Spring Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Monetary Economics) 
Jan.  4, 2013 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "Property Bubbles and Economic Policy" (Keynote Speech at the Special Panel on Property Markets, Financial Stability, and Macroprudential Policies, ASSA-AREUEA Annual Meeting in San Diego) 
Nov. 14, 2012 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "Ageing, Finance and Regulations" (Keynote Address at the Joint Forum Meeting held in Tokyo) 
Aug. 21, 2012 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "How to detect and respond to property bubbles: Challenges for policy-makers" (Remarks at at the Reserve Bank of Australia-BIS Research Conference "Property Markets and Financial Stability" in Sydney) 
Apr. 21, 2012 Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor "The Importance of Fiscal Sustainability: Preconditions for Stability in the Financial System and in Prices" (Remarks at the Banque de France Financial Stability Review Launch Event in Washington D.C.) 
Apr. 21, 2012 Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor "Sustainability of Government Debt: Preconditions for Stability in the Financial System and Prices" (Article Contributed to the Banque de France Financial Stability Review, April 2012) 
Mar.  5, 2012 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "What Should We Learn from the Eurozone Crisis? - A Regulatory-Reform Perspective -" (Speech at the Institute of International Bankers 2012 Annual Washington Conference) 
Nov. 28, 2011 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "Financial Factors in Commodity Markets" (Speech at the Paris EUROPLACE International Financial Forum in Tokyo) 
Nov. 11, 2011 Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor "What Is So Special about Financial Innovation?" (Keynote Address at the Conference on "Welfare Effects of Financial Innovation" Held by the De Netherlandsche Bank) 
Sept. 30, 2011 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "Macro-Prudential Policy Framework from an Asian Perspective" (Speech at ADBI-FSA Conference in Tokyo) 
Sept. 30, 2011 Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor "Insurance Companies and the Financial System: A Central Bank Perspective" (Keynote Address at the 18th Annual Conference of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors in Seoul) 
June 27, 2011 Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor "How to Address Tail Risks" (Speech at Annual General Meeting 2011 of the Foreign Bankers' Association in the Netherlands) 
June 20, 2011 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "Population Ageing, Macroeconomic Crisis and Policy Challenges" (Speech at the 75th Anniversary Conference of Keynes' General Theory, University of Cambridge) 
June  1, 2011 Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor "Bubbles, Demographic Change and Natural Disasters" (Opening Speech at 2011 Annual International Conference hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, the Bank of Japan) 
May  28, 2011 Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor "Money, Government Securities and A Central Bank: Interdependency of Confidence" (Speech at the 2011 Spring Meeting of the Japan Society of Monetary Economics) 
May  26, 2011 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "The Importance of Financial Infrastructure in Seeking a More Resilient Financial System -- From an Asian Regional Perspective --" (Keynote Speech at the Bank of Korea International Conference 2011) 
Apr. 11, 2011 Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor "One Month after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Critical Role of Financial Infrastructure" (Opening Remarks at a Meeting Hosted by the Institute of Regulation & Risk, North Asia) 
Mar.  4, 2011 Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor "A Central Banker's Perspective on the International Monetary System" (Remarks at the International Symposium of the Banque de France)