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List of Research Papers Related to International Finance


List of Research Papers
Date Title
Nov. 13, 2018 What Drives China's Growth? Evidence from Micro-level Data 
Apr. 11, 2018 Global Stock Return Comovements: Trends and Determinants 
July  6, 2017 FX Global Code -- Formulation of a Single Global Code of Conduct for the Foreign Exchange Market and Initiatives to Promote Widespread Adherence -- 
Dec. 22, 2016 Slow Trade: Structural and Cyclical Factors in Global Trade Slowdown 
Nov. 11, 2016 Identifying Oil Price Shocks and Their Consequences: Role of Expectations and Financial Factors in the Crude Oil Market 
Aug. 22, 2016 Recent Trends in Foreign Exchange (FX) Margin Trading in Japan 
Aug. 15, 2016 Japan's Balance of Payments Statistics for 2015 and International Investment Position at Year-End 2015 
Aug. 10, 2016 Determinants of Launch Spreads on EM USD-Denominated Corporate Bonds 
July 26, 2016 Recent Trends in Japan's Balance of Payments -- Findings from the New Balance of Payments Statistics -- 
June 17, 2016 The Global Code of Conduct in the Foreign Exchange Market -- For sound development and effective functioning of the Foreign Exchange Market -- 
Sept. 30, 2015 Japan's Balance of Payments Statistics for 2014 and International Investment Position at Year-End 2014 
July 30, 2015 A new technique for estimating currency premiums 
Apr. 28, 2015 Toward Further Development of the Repo Market 
June 19, 2014 Portfolio Rebalancing Following the Bank of Japan's Government Bond Purchases: A Fact Finding Analysis Using the Flow of Funds Accounts Statistics 
June 19, 2014 Portfolio Rebalancing Following the Bank of Japan's Government Bond Purchases: Empirical Analysis Using Data on Bank Loans and Investment Flows 
Nov. 26, 2013 Cross-country Transmission Effect of the U.S. Monetary Shock under Global Integration 
Oct.  8, 2013 Revision of Balance of Payments Related Statistics in Japan 
Sept. 20, 2013 On the Reliability of Japanese Inflation Expectations Using Purchasing Power Parity 
May   8, 2013 Estimating Term Premia at the Zero Bound: An Analysis of Japanese, US, and UK Yields 
Mar. 19, 2013 What is the Major Determinant of Credit Flows through Cross-Border Banking? 
Sept.  6, 2012 Determinants of Long-term Yields: A Panel Data Analysis of Major Countries and Decomposition of Yields of Japan and the US 
Sept.  9, 2011 How much Asymmetry is there in Bond Returns and Exchange Rates? 
Aug. 25, 2011 China's Capital Controls and Interest Rate Parity: Experience during 1999 - 2010 and Future Agenda for Reforms 
Aug. 25, 2011 Rebalancing China's Economic Growth :Some Insights from Japan's Experience (Chinese Version) 
Aug. 10, 2011 Asian Financial Linkage: Macro-Finance Dissonances 
Aug. 10, 2011 A Global Game Analysis of Emergent Liquidity Provision and the Role of Creditors' Aggregate Behavior as Signaling 
July 13, 2011 Rebalancing China's Economic Growth: Some Insights from Japan's Experience 
May  27, 2011 What has caused the surge in global commodity prices and strengthened cross-market linkage? 
Mar. 31, 2011 Recent Surge in Global Commodity Prices -- Impact of financialization of commodities and globally accommodative monetary conditions -- 
Mar. 31, 2011 Recent Surge in Global Commodity Prices -- Impact of financialization of commodities and globally accommodative monetary condiitons -- (Chinese Version) 
Jan. 17, 2011 Capital Inflows to Emerging Countries and Their Reflux to the United States 
Mar. 19, 2010 How Can Leverage Regulations Work for the Stabilization of Financial Systems? 
Sept. 18, 2008 Recent Trends in Japanese Foreign-Exchange Margin Trading 
July 16, 2008 Cross-currency transmission of money market tensions 
Nov.  7, 2007 Monitoring Commodity Markets - From the Perspective of Understanding Global Financial Market Trends 
Sept. 21, 2007 Developments in a Cross-Border Bank Exposure "Network" 
Jan. 19, 2007 External Aspects of East Asian Economies and Finance - in light of growing interest in regional integration - 
Dec.  4, 2006 Changes in Hedge Fund Investment Behavior and the Impact on Financial Markets - Position Concentration, Expanded Scope, and Market Liquidity Risk - 
Nov. 24, 2006 Financing Activities of Japanese Companies in Asia -- Summary of Discussions from the "Research Group on Financing Activities of Japanese Companies in Asia" 
Nov. 15, 2006 How Far Apart Are Two ACUs from Each Other? : Asian Currency Unit and Asian Currency Union 
Sept.  8, 2006 Discussions and Issues Related to Estimation Method of "Travel" 
Aug. 11, 2006 Panel Analysis of Chinese Corporate Debt -- How Far Have Market Mechanisms Penetrated? -- 
June 13, 2006 Recent Developments in Hedge Funds 
Mar. 31, 2006 Improvement of Statistics on International Workers' Remittances --International Discussions and Present Situation in Japan-- 
July 26, 2005 FATS Statistics: Producing Statistics for Broadly-Defined Trade in Services 
July 11, 2005 Inflation Dynamics in China 
June 24, 2005 China's Rise and Structural Adjustment in NIEs and ASEAN -Competitors or Complements- 
June  3, 2005 Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Market Interest Rates 
Mar. 29, 2005 Policy Coordination in East Asia and across the Pacific 
Feb. 28, 2005 The Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment into Japan -The Measures' Impact on FDI Series