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Flow of Funds


BOJ Time-Series Data Search



Quarterly Data

Table : Quarterly Data
Date Detail Data
June 27, 2024 Full Version (1st Quarter 2024)  [PDF 604KB]
June 27, 2024 Preliminary Figures (1st Quarter 2024)  [XLSX 217KB]
June 27, 2024 Time Series Table (1st Quarter 2024)  [XLSX 320KB]
June 27, 2024 Basic Figures of the Flow of Funds (1st Quarter 2024)  [PDF 527KB]

Note: Full Version consists of Preliminary Figures and Time Series Table of Quarterly Data.

Annual Data (Fiscal Year)

Table : Annual Data (Fiscal Year)
Date Detail Data
Sept. 20, 2023 Fiscal Year 2022  [XLSX 221KB]

Note: Annual Data (Fiscal Year) is renewed once a year in September.


Overview of Japan, US, and the Euro area

Table : Overview of Japan, US, and the Euro area
Date Detail Data
Aug. 25, 2023 1st Quarter 2023  [PDF 319KB]

Note: The overview is renewed once a year after the Flow of Funds Accounts is released in June.

Amounts Outstanding of Securitized Products


Components of Securitized Products [PDF 20KB]

Loans, Debt Securities, and Deposits by Maturity

Table : Loans, Debt Securities, and Deposits by Maturity
Date Detail Data
July  8, 2024 End of September 2023  [XLSX 36KB]

Note: Data for "Loans, Debt Securities, and Deposits by Maturity" are renewed accordingly.

Reference Figures for Corporate Pensions (Defined Benefit Schemes)

Table : Reference Figures for Corporate Pensions (Defined Benefit Schemes)
Date Detail Data
Mar. 18, 2020 From Fiscal 1993 to 2003  [XLSX 12KB]

(Reference) Data Based on the Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus (SDDS Plus)

Debt Securities

Table : Debt Securities
Date Detail Data
Apr. 30, 2024 4th Quarter 2023  [XLSX 25KB]

Other Financial Corporations Survey

Table : Other Financial Corporations Survey
Date Detail Data
Apr. 30, 2024 4th Quarter 2023  [XLSX 21KB]

Note: The Bank has started releasing data on "Debt Securities" since September 2015, and on "Other Financial Corporations Survey" since January 2018 based on the International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s SDDS Plus on a quarterly basis. For further information, please see "Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus" (Link to an external website) on the IMF's website.

Notices of Changes and Corrections

Notices of Changes

June 27, 2024
Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 27, 2024
Seasonal Adjustment for the Flow of Funds Accounts Data [PDF 66KB]
May  27, 2024
Planned Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 182KB]
Sept. 20, 2023
Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 27, 2023
Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 27, 2023
Seasonal Adjustment for the Flow of Funds Accounts Data [PDF 74KB]
May  26, 2023
Planned Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 175KB]
Sept. 20, 2022
Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 27, 2022
Seasonal Adjustment for the Flow of Funds Accounts Data [PDF 74KB]
May  27, 2022
Planned Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 170KB]
Sept. 17, 2021
Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 25, 2021
Seasonal Adjustment for the Flow of Funds Accounts Data [PDF 112KB]
June 25, 2021
Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 189KB]
May  28, 2021
Planned Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 193KB]
Sept. 18, 2020
Seasonal Adjustment for the Flow of Funds Accounts Data [PDF 75KB]
Sept. 18, 2020
Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 210KB]
July 29, 2020
Planned Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 209KB]
Mar. 18, 2020
Revision to Reference Figures for Corporate Pensions (Defined Benefit Schemes) 
Sept. 20, 2019
Seasonal Adjustment for the Flow of Funds Accounts Data [PDF 37KB]
Sept. 20, 2019
Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 218KB]
Sept. 12, 2019
Revision to Reference Data Series in the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 34KB]
Aug. 13, 2019
Planned Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts [PDF 195KB]
June 27, 2019
Data Revisions to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Sept. 20, 2018
Data Revisions to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 27, 2018
Seasonal Adjustment for the Flow of Funds Accounts Data [PDF 37KB]
June 27, 2018
Data Revisions to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 28, 2018
Updates of the Guides to Flow of Funds Accounts 
Sept. 20, 2017
Data Revisions to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 27, 2017
Seasonal Adjustment for the Flow of Funds Accounts Data [PDF 37KB]
June 27, 2017
Data Revisions to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 10, 2017
Revision of Supplementary Tables and Charts of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Jan. 13, 2017
Updates of the Guides to Flow of Funds Accounts 
Sept. 26, 2016
Data Revisions to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
May  25, 2016
Highlights of Enhanced Japan's Flow of Funds Accounts Based on 2008SNA 
Mar. 31, 2016
Results of Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts Based on 2008SNA 
Mar. 25, 2016
Release of the Revised Flow of Funds Accounts Statistics Based on the 2008SNA 
Dec. 17, 2015
Release Schedule for the Revised Flow of Funds Accounts Statistics Based on the 2008SNA 
June 29, 2015
Data Revisions to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 18, 2015
Release of Time Series Data of "Loans, Debt Securities, and Deposits by Maturity" 
Jan.  9, 2015
Enhancement and Expansion of Japan's Flow of Funds Accounts in Response to International Recommendations after the Financial Crisis 
Aug. 29, 2014
Updates of the Guides to Flow of Funds Accounts 
July 18, 2014
The Implementation of 2008SNA Recommendations in Japan's Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 18, 2014
Data Revisions of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 25, 2014
Data Revisions of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 25, 2014
Release of New Data Series in "Amounts Outstanding of Securitized Products" 
Mar. 25, 2014
Discontinuation of "Channels of Fund-raising by the Nonfinancial Sector" 
Feb. 21, 2014
Release of "Loans, Debt Securities, and Deposits by Maturity" and "From-whom-to-whom of Loans" [PDF 40KB]
Nov. 29, 2013
Updates of the Guides to Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 25, 2013
Release of New Data Series in "Amounts Outstanding of Securitized Products" 
Mar. 25, 2013
Data Revisions of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Dec. 28, 2012
Updates of the Guides to Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 19, 2012
Data Revision of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Apr. 23, 2012
Japan's Flow of Funds Accounts: Main Characteristics and Measures for Enhancement 
Apr. 11, 2012
Release of Basic Figures of the Flow of Funds 
Mar. 23, 2012
Data Revision of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Dec. 21, 2011
Release of the "Amounts Outstanding of Securitized Products" [PDF 67KB]
Mar. 23, 2011
Data Revisions of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
July 14, 2010
Updates of the Guides to Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 23, 2010
Data Revisions of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June  3, 2009
Statistical Treatment of Treasury Discount Bills in the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 24, 2009
Data Revisions and Change in the Release Schedule of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar.  9, 2009
Statistical Treatment of Treasury Discount Bills 
Mar. 21, 2008
Treatment of the Japan Post Bank, etc. in the Flow of Funds Accounts and revision of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 14, 2008
Treatment of the Japan Post Bank, etc. in the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Sept. 21, 2007
Statistical Treatment of the Japan Post Bank, etc. 
June 15, 2007
Revision of "Channels of Fund-raising by the Nonfinancial Sector of the Flow of Funds Accounts" 
Mar. 23, 2007
Revision of a sectoral classification in the Flow of Funds Accounts and revision of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 19, 2007
Revision of a sectoral classification in the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Sept. 15, 2006
Treatment of expressway companies etc. in the Flow of Funds Accounts and revision of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 23, 2006
Treatment of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral in the Bank's Statistics 
June 15, 2006
Release of "Private nonfinancial corporation Financial liabilities (book value / face value basis)" of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 24, 2006
Revision of Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 15, 2005
Change in the annual revision schedule of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Sept. 30, 2003
Revision of Flow of Funds Accounts 
Sept.  5, 2002
Revision of Flow of Funds Accounts 
Sept.  5, 2002
Major change for 2001FY of the Channels of Fund-raising by the Nonfinancial Sector 
June  6, 2002
Main change for 4th quarter 2001 of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Mar. 15, 2002
Release of the Reference Table, "Channels of Fund-raising by the Nonfinancial Sector" of the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Feb. 15, 2002
Changing in the releasing schedules of "Flow of Funds Accounts" 
Sept. 28, 2001
Notice for the second quarter 2001, Flow of Funds Accounts 
June 18, 1999
Revision of Japan's Flow of Funds Accounts Statistics 
Dec.  4, 1998
Responses to Comments on the Proposed Revision of the Flow of Funds Accounts: The Bank of Japan's Final Decisions on the Revision 
Aug. 29, 1997
Revision of Japan's Flow of Funds Accounts 

Notices of Corrections and Revisions

Nov. 20, 2020
Revisions to Descriptions in "Results of Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts Based on 2008SNA," etc. 
Sept. 14, 2018
Data Revisions to the Flow of Funds Accounts 
Oct.  7, 2016
Data Revision of "Flow of Funds - Overview of Japan, US, and the Euro area -"