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Results of Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts Based on 2008SNA

March 31, 2016
Research and Statistics Department
Bank of Japan


In October 2013, the Bank of Japan (the Research and Statistics Department, which is the section responsible for compiling and publishing statistics) announced for public consultation its project on revising the Flow of Funds Accounts in line with the 2008SNA recommendations. In response, the Bank received valuable comments and suggestions, and after taking them into account, the Bank presented the final draft in June 2014. Since then, the Bank had been finalizing details of the revised Flow of Funds Accounts (based on 2008SNA, hereinafter referred to as the "New Flow of Funds Accounts"). The New Flow of Funds Accounts was released on March 25, 2016. This was the first substantial revision since 1999 (revision based on 1993SNA).

This paper provides details of the major changes resulting from the current revision of the Flow of Funds Accounts and also shows the quantitative impact of the revision on stocks and transaction flows. The overview of the revision, including detailed items, is summarized in Section 11.


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Financial Statistics Group, Economic Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department

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