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Outline of Statistics and Statistical Release Schedule


The Bank compiles and publishes a variety of statistics, as well as reviews the compilation procedures for its statistics with the aim of accurately assessing developments in the economy and financial markets, and changes in the economic and financial structure.

Outline of Statistics

The Bank compiles various kinds of monetary and financial statistics. These include monetary statistics, such as money stock and flow of funds statistics; the Tankan (Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan), which indicates corporate sentiment; the corporate goods price index (CGPI), which is a key indicator for grasping overall price developments in Japan; and the Balance of Payments (BOP) statistics, which illustrate the country's cross-border economic transactions. Compilation of the BOP statistics is entrusted by the Minister of Finance.

The statistics the Bank compiles are used in formulating and executing its policies and business operations. Also, researchers and firms that analyze economic developments make wide use of these statistics, as many of them are made available to the public through the Bank's web site and other means.

The Bank also continually reviews the compilation procedures for its statistics with the aim of accurately assessing developments in the economy and financial markets, and changes in the economic and financial structure. In addition, it has been reviewing and revising the compilation method of statistics from the viewpoint of responding to comments/requests from users, ensuring appropriate management of confidential information, and reducing the burden on reporting firms.

Schedule for Releases of Statistical Data

Table : Releases
Date Data
June 28, 2024 Schedule for Releases of Statistical Data (From July 2024 to June 2025) [XLSX 58KB]


  • Statistics are released immediately upon completion, but the release may be postponed should system problems or any other unexpected disruption occur. Changes to the schedule will be announced on the Bank's web site.
  • Statistics marked with * are made available on the "BOJ Time-Series Data Search" at around 8:50 a.m. on the day of the release. The schedule is subject to change.
