Statistical Treatment of Treasury Discount Bills in the Flow of Funds Accounts
June 3, 2009
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department
The following changes will be made to the statistical treatment in the Flow of Funds Accounts from the first quarter of 2009 (data to be released on June 17, 2009), reflecting the integration of financing bills (FBs) and treasury bills (TBs) to form "treasury discount bills (T-Bills)."
Among the transaction items in the Flow of Funds Accounts, "Financing bills" will be renamed as "Treasury discount bills." Also, the amount outstanding of FBs which have been issued prior to the integration will be recorded as "Treasury discount bills," along with T-Bills. Meanwhile, TBs issued prior to the integration will continue to be recorded as "Central government securities and FILP bonds."
For inquiries, please contact the following section of the Bank of Japan:
Financial Statistics, Research and Statistics Department (E-mail: