Correction to a Chart in the "Monthly Report of Recent Economic and Financial Developments" (February - July 2007)
May 26, 2017
Bank of Japan
The chart of "Production, Shipments and Inventories, (2) Production by Industries" in the February - July 2007 issues of the "Monthly Report of Recent Economic and Financial Developments" contains errors (the data for 1999/Q3, 2002/Q1, and 2004/Q3).
For correct data, please see Chart 19 (2) in the August 2007 issue.
Charts with errors
Chart 19 (2) in the February 2007 issue, Chart 21 (2) in the March 2007 issue, Chart 22 (2) in the April 2007 issue, Chart 19 (2) in the May 2007 issue, Chart 21 (2) in the June 2007 issue, and Chart 22 (2) in the July 2007 issue.
Economic Assessment and Projection Group, Economic Research Division, Research and Statistics Department
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