Fourth Loan Disbursement under the "Temporary Lending Facility to Support Firms' Financing Activities"
March 19, 1999
Bank of Japan
On March 23, 1999, the Bank of Japan will make its fourth loan disbursement under the "Temporary Lending Facility to Support Firms' Financing Activities". The loan amount is 8.0 billion yen, while the amount collected for the former disbursements is 562.2 billion yen. Consequently, loan amounts outstanding following the fourth disbursement are as follows:
- Amount outstanding following the fourth disbursement
Number of financial institutions : 61
Total amount outstanding : 411.8 billion yen - of which
City banks, long-term credit banks, and trust banks : 126.6 billion yen
Regional banks and regional banks II : 120.2 billion yen
Others : 165.0 billion yen
Notes :
- Number of financial institutions which applied for this facility : 137
- Definite loan limit : 4,082.7 billion yen for 102 institutions
- Total amount outstanding following the third disbursement : 966.0 billion yen for 70 institutions
- Due date: April 15, 1999