Dec. 28, 2000 |
Points on International Comparison of the Flow of Funds Accounts |
[PDF 124KB] |
Dec. 28, 2000 |
Japan's Financial Structure -in View of the Flow of Funds Accounts |
[PDF 378KB] |
Nov. 30, 2000 |
Profits and Balance-Sheet Developments of Japanese Banks in Fiscal 1999 |
[PDF 453KB] |
Oct. 6, 2000 |
Price Developments in Japan -A Review Focusing on the 1990s- |
[PDF 733KB] |
Sept. 25, 2000 |
Price-Setting Behavior of Japanese Companies -The Results of "Survey of Price-Setting Behavior of Japanese Companies" and Its Analysis- |
[PDF 153KB] |
Sept. 4, 2000 |
Portfolio Selection of Financial Assets by Japan's Households --Why Are Japan's Households Reluctant to Invest in Risky Assets?-- |
[PDF 205KB] |
Apr. 18, 2000 |
The Importance of Information Security for Financial Institutions and Proposed Countermeasures --With a Focus on Internet-Based Financial Services-- |
[PDF 83KB] |
Jan. 28, 2000 |
The Japanese Employment System |
[PDF 230KB] |