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Questionnaire Survey on Business Continuity Management (November 2010)

April 28, 2011
Bank of Japan
Financial Systems and Bank Examination Department


This paper contains the findings from the "Questionnaire Survey on Business Continuity Management".

This survey has been conducted on alternate years since 2002 for financial institutions with high shares in the transaction values on BOJ Net. Survey questions were formulated with reference to the basic case studies of initiatives at financial institutions contained in "Toward Effective Business Continuity Management: A Check list and Instructive Practices" (revised and expanded version) published in March 2010.

The Bank of Japan encourages financial institutions to refer to the survey findings as they verify their own business continuity management systems and take steps to improve their effectiveness. It also hopes that the survey will add further depth to discussions of business continuity management systems with financial institutions and improve the robustness of Japan's financial system, and payment and settlement system.


This is an abridged English translation of the Japanese original released in February 2011.

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System Risk and Business Continuity Group, Examination Planning Division, Financial Systems and Bank Examination Department

Noriyuki Tomioka, Takayuki Okamoto, Takehisa Kanaguchi

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