IMES Discussion Paper Series
IMES Discussion Paper Series is circulated in order to stimulate discussion and comments. Views expressed in Discussion Paper Series are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Bank of Japan or the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies.
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No. | Author(s) | Title/Keywords | Date | Full Text (PDF) |
2002-E-22 | Takeshi Kimura, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Jun Muranaga, Hiroshi Ugai | The Effect of the Increase in Monetary Base on Japan's Economy at Zero Interest Rates : An Empirical Analysis /Monetary Policy, Quantitative Easing, Bayesian VAR, Satiation Level of Money Demand |
2002-12 | 526 KB |
2002-E-21 | Shinichi NISHIYAMA | The Cross-Euler Equation Approach to Intertemporal Substitution in Import Demand /Euler Equation, Intertemporal Substitution, Import Demand, Cointegration |
2002-11 | 393 KB |
2002-E-20 | Tomiyuki Kitamura, Ryoji Koike | The Effectiveness of Forecasting Methods Using Multiple Information Variables /Information variable, multivariate forecast, out-of-sample forecast, forecast combination |
2002-11 | 689 KB |
2002-E-19 | Masahiro Fukuhara, Yasufumi Saruwatari | An Analysis of Contagion in Emerging Currency Markets Using Multivariate Extreme Value Theory /Contagion, Multivariate Extreme Value Theory, Currency, Survey, Graph |
2002-11 | 1,477 KB |
2002-E-18 | Vittorio Corbo | Exchange Rate Regimes in the Americas: Is Dollarization the Solution? /Exchange Rate Systems, Inflation Targeting, Dollarization |
2002-10 | 182 KB |
2002-E-17 | Masahiro KAWAI | EXCHANGE RATE ARRANGEMENTS IN EAST ASIA: LESSONS FROM THE 1997-98 CURRENCY CRISIS /East Asian currency crisis, exchange rate arrangements, two-corner solution approach, fear of floating, currency basket system |
2002-09 | 264 KB |
2002-E-16 | Juergen von Hagen, Matthias Brueckner | Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the European Monetary Union /European Monetary Union, monetary policy, fiscal policy, Stability Pact |
2002-09 | 241 KB |
2002-E-15 | Kyungho Jang, Masao Ogaki | The Effects of Japanese Monetary Policy Shocks on Exchange Rates: A Structural Vector Error Correction Model Approach /Vector Error Correction Model, Impulse Response, Monetary Policy Shock, Cointegration, Identification, Long Run Restriction |
2002-09 | 557 KB |
2002-E-14 | Toshiaki WATANABE | Measuring Business Cycle Turning Points in Japan with a Dynamic Markov Switching Factor Model /Business cycles, Factor model, Gibbs sampling, Marginal Likelihood, Markov switching, Particle filter |
2002-09 | 274 KB |
2002-E-13 | Ronald McKinnon, Gunther Schnabl | Synchronized Business Cycles in East Asia: Fluctuations in the Yen/Dollar Exchange Rate and China's Stabilizing Role /exchange rates, business cycles, East Asian dollar standard |
2002-08 | 835 KB |
2002-E-12 | Maurice Obstfeld | Exchange Rates and Adjustment: Perspectives from the New Open Economy Macroeconomics /Exchange rate policy, international adjustment,expenditure-switching effects, elasticity pessimism, international competitiveness. |
2002-08 | 389 KB |
2002-E-11 | Allan H. Meltzer | New International Financial Arrangements /Price and Exchange Rate Stability, Role of the IMF, Debt Resolution, Collective Action Clause |
2002-08 | 52 KB |
2002-E-10 | Takashi NANJO | Developments in Land Prices and Bank Lending in Interwar Japan: Effects of the Real Estate Finance Problem on the Banking Industry /Interwar economy, Financial crisis, Showa Depression, Aset prices, Stability of the financial system |
2002-08 | 191 KB |
2002-E-9 | Rishi Goyal, Ronald McKinnon | Japan's Negative Risk Premium in Interest Rates: The Liquidity Trap and Fall in Bank Lending | 2002-07 | 455 KB |
2002-E-8 | Mariko HATASE | Devaluation and Exports in Interwar Japan: The Effects of Sharp Depreciation of the Yen in the Early 1930s /exchange rate, export, gold embargo, interwar economy |
2002-07 | 250 KB |
2002-E-7 | Masato SHIZUME | Economic Developments and Monetary Policy Responses in Interwar Japan: Evaluation Based on the Taylor Rule /monetary policy, monetary regime, gold standard system, interwar economy, Taylor Rule |
2002-07 | 354 KB |
2002-E-6 | Sachiko Kuroda NAKADA | Analysis of Changes in Japan's Unemployment Rate using Gross Flow Data /unemployment rate, flow data analysis, discouraged worker effect, added worker effect, price-level projections using Phillips curve |
2002-06 | 305 KB |
2002-E-5 | Akira Otani | Pricing-to-Market (PTM) and the International Transmission Effect of Monetary Policy: The 'New Open-Economy Macroeconomics' Approach /New open economy macroeconomics, PPP (purchasing power parity), PTM (pricing-to-market), Monetary policy, Beggar-thy-neighbor effect |
2002-05 | 269 KB |
2002-E-4 | Hiroshi FUJIKI, Akira OTANI | Do Currency Regimes Matter in the 21st Century? An Overview /Bipolar view, the euro, Dollarization, regional currency area |
2002-05 | 193 KB |
2002-E-3 | Masaaki SHIRAKAWA | One Year Under 'Quantitative Easing' /Quantitative Easing; Transmission Mechanism; Zero Interest Rate Boundary |
2002-04 | 423 KB |
2002-E-2 | Yasuhiro YAMAI, Toshinao YOSHIBA | Comparative Analyses of Expected Shortfall and Value-at-Risk (3): their validity under market stress /Value-at-Risk, expected shortfall, market stress, tail risk, multivariate extreme value theory, tail dependence |
2002-04 | 519 KB |
2002-E-1 | Naohiko BABA, Takamasa HISADA | Japan's Financial System: Its Perspective and the Authorities' Roles in Redesigning and Administering the System /Japan's financial system, Main bank system, IT innovation, Financial deregulation, Bank supervision, Public finance, Corporate governance |
2002-02 | 316 KB |