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Monetary and Economic Studies2018

Monetary and Economic Studies is published each year, by the Bank of Japan's Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies (IMES). In line with IMES policy, the publication seeks to provide information on monetary and economic issues to the general public. Articles include research achievements by the staff and visiting scholars, and selected works from the proceedings of conferences sponsored by IMES.

Views expressed in Monetary and Economic Studies are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Bank of Japan or IMES.

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Vol.36 / November 2018

Table : Vol.36 / November 2018
Author(s) Title/Keywords Full Text (PDF)
Shigenori Shiratsuka Central Banking in a Changing World
Summary of the 2018 BOJ-IMES Conference Organized by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies of the Bank of Japan
Haruhiko Kuroda Opening Remarks of the 2018 BOJ-IMES Conference Organized by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies of the Bank of Japan 37KB
Raghuram G. Rajan The Mayekawa Lecture: Whither Bank Regulation; Current Debates and Challenges 251KB
Athanasios Orphanides The Boundaries of Central Bank Independence: Lessons from Unconventional Times
/Bank of Japan; Zero lower bound; Quantitative easing; Central bank independence; Price stability; Inflation target; Balance sheet risk
Masayuki Kazato, Tetsuya Yamada The Implied Bail-in Probability in the Contingent Convertible Securities Market
/Market-implied bail-in probability; Contingent convertible securities; Basel III; Financial stability