Articles and Speeches Published in the Bank of Japan Quarterly Bulletin
November 1997 (Volume 5, Number 4)
- A New Framework of Monetary Policy under the New Bank of Japan Law
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Yomiuri International Economic Society in Tokyo on June 27, 1997
- Quarterly Economic Outlook Autumn 1997
- Flow of Funds in Japan, 1996
- Profits and Balance-Sheet Developments of Japanese Banks in Fiscal 1996
- On the Relationship between Monetary Aggregates and Economic Activities in Japan: A Study Focusing on Long-Term Equilibrium Relationships
- Checklist for the Year 2000 Problem
August 1997 (Volume 5, Number 3)
- Recent Monetary and Economic Conditions in Japan and the Reform of the Financial Markets
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Kisaragi-kai meeting in Tokyo on April 14, 1997
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSummer 1997
- The Bank of Japan Law
- Revision of Japan's Flow of Funds Accounts
- The Framework for Restructuring the BOJ-NET Funds Transfer System
May 1997 (Volume 5, Number 2)
- Recent Monetary and Economic Conditions in Japan
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Keizai (Economic) Club in Tokyo on February 4, 1997
- Payment and Settlement Systems: The Current Issues in Japan
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Japan Center for Economic Research in Tokyo on February 28, 1997
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSpring 1997
- Checklist for Risk Management(Revised Edition)
February 1997 (Volume 5, Number 1)
- Financial Innovation, Financial Market Globalization, and Monetary Policy Management
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Yomiuri International Economic Society in Tokyo on October 11, 1996
- The Role of Monetary Policy
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Research Institute of Japan in Tokyo on November 6, 1996
- Quarterly Economic OutlookWinter 1997
- Risk Disclosure by Financial Institutions
November 1996 (Volume 4, Number 4)
- Quarterly Economic OutlookAutumn 1996
- Profits and Balance-Sheet Developments of Japanese Banks in Fiscal 1995
- Checklist for Risk Management(Revised Edition)
- Changes in the Corporate Balance-Sheet Structure since 1980 in Japan
- Recent Developments in the External Balance
August 1996 (Volume 4, Number 3)
- Recent Monetary and Economic Conditions and Issues Facing the JapaneseFinancial System
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to theKeizai (Economic) Club in Tokyo on April 3, 1996
- The Role of the Central Bank
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the JapanNational Press Club in Tokyo on June 14, 1996
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSummer 1996
- Flow of Funds in Japan, 1995
- Price Developements in Fiscal 1995
May 1996 (Volume 4, Number 2)
- Recent Monetary and Economic Conditions in Japan
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to theKisaragi-kai meeting in Tokyo on February 22, 1996
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSpring 1996
- The Cost of Capital: Concepts and Estimation
- Results of the Survey of Derivatives Market Activity in Japan
February 1996 (Volume 4, Number 1)
- The Plaza Accord and Its Lessons for Monetary Policy
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the International Symposium Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Plaza Accord in Tokyoon October 24, 1995
- Recent Conduct of Monetary Policy by the Bank of Japan
Speech given by Toshihiko Fukui, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Research Institute of Japan in Tokyo on November 13, 1995
- Quarterly Economic OutlookWinter 1996
- Results of the Analysis of the Fiscal 1994 Financial Statements of PrincipalEnterprises in Japan
- Summary of Results of the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market Turnover SurveyConducted in April 1995
November 1995 (Volume 3, Number 4)
- Quarterly Economic OutlookAutumn 1995
- Financial Reports of Japanese Financial Institutions for Fiscal 1994
- Asset and Liability Management of Japanese Financial Institutions
August 1995 (Volume 3, Number 3)
- Global Economic Integration and the Central Bank
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the25th Yomiuri Symposium on the International Economy in Tokyo on May 19, 1995
- The Roles and the Challenges of the Capital Market in Japan
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to theCapital Markets Research Institute in Tokyo on June 14, 1995
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSummer 1995
- Flow of Funds in Japan, 1994
- Price Movements in Fiscal 1994
May 1995 (Volume 3, Number 2)
- Issues Facing the Japanese Economy and the Role of the Bank of Japan
Speech given by Yasuo Matsushita, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to theKeizai (Economic) Club in Tokyo on March 17, 1995
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSpring 1995
- Inflation Targeting in Selected Countries
- Reserve Requirement Systems and Their Recent Reforms in Major IndustrializedCountries: A Comparative Perspective
February 1995 (Volume 3, Number 1)
- Issues Facing the Japanese Economy and Roles of Central Banks
Speech given by Yasushi Mieno, the former Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Research Institute of Japan in Tokyo on November 15, 1994
- Quarterly Economic OutlookWinter 1995
- Developments in the European Union: Toward Economic and Monetary Union
- Empirical Analyses of the Information Content of Implied Volatility
- Corporate Profits and Restructuring Measures during the Recent EconomicDownturn
From Results of the Analysis of the Fiscal 1993 Financial Statements of PrincipalEnterprises in Japan
November 1994 (Volume 2, Number 4)
- The Maintenance of Financial System Stability and the Role of the Bankof Japan
Speech given by Yasushi Mieno, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to a Kin'yuKenkyu-kai conference in Tokyo on October 31, 1994
- Quarterly Economic OutlookAutumn 1994
- Characteristics of Interest Rate Indicators
A Guide to Using Interest Rate Indicators Reported by the Bank of Japan
- The Usefulness of Interest Rate Term Spreads as Inflation Indicators
- Financial Reports of Japanese Financial Institutions for Fiscal 1993
- The Circulation of Bank of Japan Notes
The Current Situation and the Issues to Be Resolved
August 1994 (Volume 2, Number 3)
- The Conduct of Monetary Policy by the Bank of Japan
Speech given by Yasushi Mieno, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to a Kisaragi-kaimeeting in Tokyo on May 27, 1994
- Current Economic Conditions and Monetary Policy
Speech given by Yasushi Mieno, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the JapanNational Press Club on June 24, 1994
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSummer 1994
- Recent Developments in Cross-Border Capital Flows
- Flow of Funds in Japan, 1993
- Price Movements in Fiscal 1993
- Options Markets in Japan
May 1994 (Volume 2, Number 2)
- Current Monetary and Economic Conditions in Japan
Speech given by Yasushi Mieno, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the Keizai(Economic) Club in Tokyo on February 22, 1994
- Current Japanese Monetary and Economic Conditions and the Need for Strengtheningthe Financial System
Speech given by Yasushi Mieno, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the YomiuriInternational Economic Round-Table in Tokyo on March 24, 1994
- Current Monetary and Economic Situations in Japan and the Issue of ExternalImbalance
Speech given by Yasushi Mieno, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the ForeignCorrespondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo on April 19, 1994
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSpring 1994
- The Japanese Employment System
- How U.S. Commercial Banks Dealt with the Asset-Quality Problem
February 1994 (Volume 2, Number 1)
- Roles of Financial and Capital Markets under Current Japanese Monetaryand Economic Conditions
Speech given by Yasushi Mieno, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the CapitalMarkets Research Institute in Tokyo on December 7, 1993
- Quarterly Economic OutlookWinter 1994
- Economic Growth in East Asia and the Role of Foreign Direct Investment
November 1993 (Volume 1, Number 4)
- Quarterly Economic OutlookAutumn 1993
- Financial Reports of Japanese Financial Institutions for Fiscal Year 1992
- Characteristics of Overdrafts and Their Interest Rate Trend
- Outline of the Operations DepartmentBanking and Treasury Activities of the Bank of Japan
August 1993 (Volume 1, Number 3)
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSummer 1993
- Missions and Responsibilities of a Central Bank in a Contemporary Context
Speech given by Toshihiko Fukui, Executive Director of the Bank of Japan, to the Japan Society of Monetary Economics in Tokyo on June 5, 1993
- Price Movements in Fiscal 1992
May 1993 (Volume 1, Number 2)
- Quarterly Economic OutlookSpring 1993
- Expansion of Off-Balance-Sheet Transactions and Issues Facing JapaneseFinancial Markets
- Corporate Service Price IndexMovements and Characteristics since 1985
February 1993 (Volume 1, Number 1)
- Perspectives on Monetary and Economic Developments in 1993
Statement contributed by Yasushi Mieno, Governor of the Bank of Japan, to the January 1993 issue of the journal Kin'yu (Finance)
- Quarterly Economic OutlookWinter 1993
- Summary of Results of the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market Turnover SurveyConducted in April 1992