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Revisions to Real Exports and Real Imports

April 20, 2020
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department

In response to the following changes, the data series of Real Exports and Real Imports indicated below have been retroactively revised from the starting period.

(1) Changes in Classification of Regions (for "real exports by regions")

The United Kingdom has been excluded from "EU" from the starting period and has been included in "others."

(2) Update of Seasonal Adjustments (for all series)

Real Exports and Real Imports released today reflect the regular annual update in their seasonal adjustment, which takes place usually after the release of the retroactive revisions to the figures in the "Trade Statistics" for the previous calendar year.

For details on the compilation method of Real Exports and Real Imports, see Explanation of "Developments in Real Exports and Real Imports."


Economic Assessment and Projection Group, Economic Research Division, Research and Statistics Department

Tel : +81-3-3279-1111