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Revisions to Real Exports and Real Imports

April 20, 2023
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department

Real Exports and Real Imports released today reflect changes in the base year and seasonal adjustment. Please note that the figures have been revised from the starting period.

(1) Update of the Base Year for the Deflator

This revision reflects the regular rebasing, which takes place once in every five years. In accordance with the revision of the base year for the Export/Import Price Indexes, which are used for compiling Real Exports and Real Imports, the price indices used as corresponding deflators have been changed and the base year has been updated from 2015 to 2020 for Real Exports and Real Imports.

(2) Update of Seasonal Adjustment

This revision reflects the regular update of seasonal adjustment, which takes place every year around April. The X-12-ARIMA specifications for Real Exports have been revised from the previous ones.

For details on the compilation method of Real Exports and Real Imports, see Explanation of "Developments in Real Exports and Real Imports."


Economic Assessment and Projection Group, Economic Research Division, Research and Statistics Department

Tel : +81-3-3279-1111