Japan's Balance of Payments Statistics and International Investment Position for 2020
August 13, 2021
International Department
Bank of Japan
The overall current account surplus decreased. While the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) had a wide-ranging impact on the current account, the decrease in the current account surplus mainly reflects the increase in the deficit on services, largely due to the decline in the surplus on travel. The surplus on primary income also decreased, mainly due to a decline in the surplus on portfolio investment income. Meanwhile, the surplus on goods increased, reflecting the fact that although exports decreased due to the depression in overseas economies, imports fell even more.
Japan's financial account registered a decrease in net lending mainly due to a decline in net lending under direct investment.
Japan's net asset position remained essentially unchanged from the previous year.
- Appendix 1.
- Impact of the Spread of COVID-19 on Goods and Transport
- Appendix 2.
- Components under Goods
- Appendix 3.
- Developments in Direct Investment by Type of Investment
- Appendix 4.
- Developments in Direct Investment Income and Its Recording Method
- Appendix 5.
- Update of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual
- Appendix 6.
- Issues regarding Developments in the International Investment Position by Factor and Challenges Ahead for Japan's Statistics
This report is an English translation of the Japanese original released on July 8, 2021.
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Balance of Payments Statistics Group, Balance of Payments Division, International Department
E-mail : boj-bop@boj.or.jp