Definition of Terms
1. Domestically licensed banks: banks that are established and licensed under the Japanese legislation (excluding the Bank of Japan and government-related organizations). In some statistics, the following categories are adopted.
- (1) City banks: Mizuho Bank, MUFG Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Resona Bank, and Saitama Resona Bank.
- (2) Regional banks: member banks of the Regional Banks Association of Japan.
- (3) Regional banks II: member banks of the Second Association of Regional Banks. For statistics through March 1992, figures of sogo banks prior to their conversion to ordinary banks are included in principle.
- (4) Trust banks: banks that operate, in addition to banking business, trust business based on the "Act on Provision, etc. of Trust Business by Financial Institutions" and that are not categorized in the above-mentioned (1), (2), or (3).
2. Foreign banks in Japan: branches of foreign banks in Japan that are licensed for banking business, in accordance with Article 47, Paragraph 1 of the "Banking Act."
For discontinuities in data, please see Key Statistical Discontinuities.