A Sample Pattern of the New Release Form of TANKAN
February 15, 1999
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department
The release form of Tankan (the abbreviation of the Short-term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan) will be changed from the March survey, the results of which will be disclosed at the beginning of April. The attached are the sample patterns of the new "TANKAN Summary" and "TANKAN Outline" which will be viewed in our Bank's Internet site on the date of release, 08:50 JST.* The sample patterns of the new "TANKAN Summary" can be obtained from here (nttk03.pdf 103KB).
- There will be other regularly released materials such as "TANKAN: The Comprehensive Data Set of the March 1999 Survey", formerly titled as "TANKAN: Report", which will include the fully disclosed data and be issued in around three weeks after the first release date.
- For further inquiries, please contact Chihiro Sakuraba, Manager of Economic Statistics Division, E-mail address: chihiro.sakuraba@boj.or.jp.