Data comparison between pre- and post-revision of TANKAN in the December 1998 survey
March 10, 1999
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department
Click on nttk04.pdf (35KB) or (48KB[MS-Word, MS-Excel]) to download the full text.
Due to the revision of Tankan (the abbreviation of the Short-term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan), there will be no continuity between the figures of the All Enterprises Tankan of December 1998 and March 1999 surveys. For your convenience, we have collected and aggregated prior figures for the new sample enterprises at the timing of the December survey. The attached tables are the data comparison between pre- and post-revision. * The main points of the revision of the All Enterprises Tankan:
- Revision of the number of population and sample enterprises by industry and scale.
- Review of industry and scale of the sample enterprises included in both pre- and post-revision.
- Unification of quantitative data into population estimates. (Items for judgemental survey will continue to be simple aggregates.)
No revision will be made to the Principal Enterprises Tankan except some changes of industry classification for a few enterprises.
- For any further inquiries, please contact Economic Statistics Division (Chihiro Sakuraba, E-mail