Samples of the New Release Format of TANKAN
March 8, 2004
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department
In line with the revision of TANKAN (see "Revision of TANKAN in the March 2004 Survey --- Comparison between the pre- and post-revision in the December 2003 Survey" on March 8), the release format of TANKAN will be changed from the March 2004 survey (to be released on April 1). Attached are the samples of the new "TANKAN Summary (Appendix1)" and "TANKAN Outline (Appendix2)" which will be released at 8:50 a.m. on the release day, and "Reference: TANKAN Summary <"Number of employees" basis> (Appendix3)" released at 8:50 a.m. on the following day of release.
- TANKAN Summary (Pages 11 and 12 have been revised on March 23, 2004.)
- (nttk12a.pdf 144KB,
- 158KB[MS-Excel])
- TANKAN Outline
- Reference: TANKAN Summary <"Number of employees" basis>
- (nttk12c.pdf 19KB,
- 15KB[MS-Excel])
PDF (.pdf): Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher
Microsoft Excel(.xls): Microsoft Excel 97 or higher
- Other regularly released materials, such as "TANKAN : Figures by Industry, " "The Comprehensive Data Set" and the "Long-term time-series data, " which will be released at 8:50 a.m. on the following day of release, will include new survey items.
- For further inquires, please contact:
Economic Statistics Division,
Research and Statistics Department, Bank of Japan by e-mail (