The New Release Schedule of the "2000 base Input-Output Price Index of the Manufacturing Industry by Sector (IOPI)"
July 12, 2005
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department
Results of the revision of the Input-Output Price Index of the Manufacturing Industry by Sector (IOPI) from the 1995 base to the 2000 base will be released on September 14, 2005.
To improve convenience for the users, both the preliminary figures and the final figures based on revisions to the preliminary figures will be released from the first monthly release date of the 2000 base IOPI. In principle, the preliminary figures will be released on the tenth working day of the following month, together with the final figures of the month before last. On September 14, the preliminary figures of August 2005 and final figures of July 2005, are scheduled to be released.
For inquiries, please contact Price Statistics Section
Research and Statistics Department
Tel: +81-3-3279-1111 ext. 3824).