Statistics on "Average Yields on Newly Issued Domestic Commercial Paper": Succession and Joint Efforts to Enhance the Statistics with Japan Securities Depository Center
January 26, 2009
Bank of Japan
Financial Markets Department
The Bank of Japan, which has been releasing the "Average Yields on Newly Issued Domestic Commercial Paper" monthly since figures for September 1994, reached an agreement with Japan Securities Depository Center (JASDEC), that JASDEC will succeed and make enhancements to the Statistics on commercial paper (CP) starting late 2009, in response to calls for more detailed and timely data. For the press release from JASDEC, JASDEC website (Link to an external website).
JASDEC will base the new Statistics on data in its Short-Term Corporate Bonds Book-Entry Transfer System. As such, more detailed data will be available for users on a daily basis. Details of the Statistics after enhancements are outlined in the table below. The Statistics are scheduled to be released on JASDEC's homepage.
The Bank of Japan would like to ask market participants for their understanding and cooperation in the Statistics by JASDEC, and would like to see the Statistics play an important role in enhancing market infrastructure.
Explanations | ||
Frequency | Daily basis | |
Constituents | All CP issued on that day | |
Average rates | Weighted average rates | |
Data breakdown | Maturities | 6 categories (Up to 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, Over 3 months) |
Sectors | 7 categories (Financial Institutions, Other Financial Companies, Electricity/Gas, Business Companies <except Other Financial Companies and Electricity/Gas>, Total of Business Companies, SPC, Others) |
Ratings | 3 categories (Equivalent to a-1 +,a-1, a-2 or lower) |
Method | JASDEC's homepage | |
Time of release | late 2009 |
For further information, contact
Financial Markets Analysis, Financial Markets Department