Treatment of Outliers in Estimating Population Estimates in the Tankan
November 2, 2010
Research and Statistics Department
Bank of Japan
In the Tankan (Short-term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan), numerical items such as sales are estimated by "population estimates" -- a statistical method calculated by industry and size classifications. To enhance the precision of these statistical data, outliers from a population will be treated in a specific rule in estimating population estimates. This rule will be applied from the next survey, in December 2010.
For more specific information, please refer to "Explanation of the Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Tankan ) (6.(2))"
Please note that this treatment of outliers is a technical effort to enhance the statistical precision; it is very rare to have outliers in the Tankan. Therefore, this change affects neither the content of the released data nor the continuity of the figures. The Bank of Japan will continuously seek to improve the quality of statistics in the Tankan .
Business Survey
Economic Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department
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