Correction of Figures for "Balance of Payments"
May 14, 2015
Bank of Japan
International Department
The following figures in BOJ Time-Series Data Search are corrected.
Balance of Payments (BP) - Balance of Payments (2014.01-) - Balance of Payments (2014.01-) - Current account (Seasonally-adjusted)
BP'BPBP6JYACBX12 (Current account / Net balance (Seasonally-adjusted))
BP'BPBP6JYAICX12 (Primary income / Credit (Seasonally-adjusted))
BP'BPBP6JYAIDX12 (Primary income / Debit (Seasonally-adjusted))
BP'BPBP6JYAINX12 (Primary income / Net balance (Seasonally-adjusted))
BP'BPBP6JYAIC3X12 (Primary income / Other primary income / Credit (Seasonally-adjusted))
BP'BPBP6JYAID3X12 (Primary income / Other primary income / Debit (Seasonally-adjusted))
BP'BPBP6JYAIN3X12 (Primary income / Other primary income / Net balance (Seasonally-adjusted))
Since "Other primary income" was newly introduced in January 2014 in implementing the new statistics, seasonal adjustment is not applied.
Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2014
Balance of Payments Statistics Group, Balance of Payments Division, International Department
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