Updating the Corporate Goods Price Index used for the calculation of the Input-Output Price Index of the Manufacturing Industry by Sector
December 22, 2016
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department
The Corporate Goods Price Index (CGPI) will be rebased in February 2017, revising the base year from 2010 to 2015. In relation to this rebasing, the indexes used for the calculation of the Input-Output Price Index of the Manufacturing Industry by Sector will be updated as well.
The release dates are as follows:
February 17, 2017, 2:00 PM
Indexes of Jan. 2015-Oct. 2016
February 27, 2017, 8:50 AM
Indexes of Nov.-Dec. 2016 and Preliminary Indexes of Jan. 2017
Price Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department
E-mail : post.rsd3@boj.or.jp