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Discontinuance of the Publication of "Bank of Japan Statistics" and "Price Indexes Annual"

August 31, 2017
Research and Statistics Department
Bank of Japan

The Bank of Japan has decided to discontinue the annual publication of "Bank of Japan Statistics" and "Price Indexes Annual," in view of the increased use of statistical data released and made available online. The last issue of "Bank of Japan Statistics" is the 2017 issue that was published in April, and that of "Price Indexes Annual" will be the 2017 issue to be published in September.

Statistics included in the two publications will continue to be available through the BOJ Time-Series Data Search and the "Statistics" page of the Bank's website.


On the details of "Bank of Japan Statistics"
Economic Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department

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On the details of "Price Indexes Annual"
Price Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department

E-mail :

On how to use the BOJ Time-Series Data Search
Economic Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department

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