Regular Revision of the Tankan Sample Enterprises
March 2, 2018
Research and Statistics Department
Bank of Japan
The Tankan (Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan) conducted by the Bank of Japan uses a sample survey framework and extracts sample enterprises from the population of private enterprises (excluding financial institutions) with a capital of 20 million yen or more. In order to capture economic conditions accurately, the Bank regularly revises the Tankan sample enterprises according to its information on the sample population.
Today, the Bank released the results of the revision of sample enterprises based on the most up-to-date information on the population (comprising approximately 220,000 enterprises), taken from the 2014 Economic Census for Business Frame conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. As a result of the revision using the new sampling method, the statistical accuracy of the Tankan improved remarkably and the number of sample enterprises decreased, leading to a significant reduction in the total burden on survey respondents.
- Data comparison between pre- and post-revision of the Tankan in December 2017 Survey <Tankan Summary> [PDF 90KB]
- Data comparison between pre- and post-revision of the Tankan in December 2017 Survey <Tankan Summary of "Inflation Outlook of Enterprises"> [PDF 21KB]
Business Survey Group, Economic Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department
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