Changes in Tankan Release Format and Release File Formats
December 17, 2018
Research and Statistics Department
Bank of Japan
The release format and file of the Tankan will be changed as of the March 2019 survey. The Tankan Summary and Tankan Outline will be released on April 1, 2019. The Tankan Summary of "Inflation Outlook of Enterprises," Tankan Figures by Industry, and Tankan: The Comprehensive Data Set will be released on April 2, 2019.
The details are as follows.
1. Changes in Tankan Release Format
- (1) "All Enterprises" will be added to the data series by enterprise size in charts on p. 8-14 of the current Tankan Summary [PDF 541KB] (hereafter the reference charts).
Note:The page "All Enterprises" will be added to "Developments of Fixed Investment including Land Purchasing Expenses" on p. 11.
- (2) The presentation of data in the Tankan Summary, the Tankan Outline, Tankan Figures by Industry, the Tankan Summary of "Inflation Outlook of Enterprises" and the Tankan: The Comprehensive Data Set will be changed as listed in Appendix 1 [PDF 170KB].
- (3) The peaks and bottoms and the latest figures will be removed from the corresponding page of the reference charts in the Tankan Summary. Shaded areas indicating periods of recessions will only be displayed in "Business Conditions" in the reference charts.
The new release format of Tankan Summary after the above revisions is shown in Appendix 2 [PDF 763KB].
2. Changes in Tankan Release File Formats
The following files will be no longer uploaded.
- MS-Excel files of the reference charts in the Tankan Summary (English: GA_E2.xls, Japanese: GA_J2.xls)
Note: MS-Excel files of tables in p.1-7 in the Tankan Summary [PDF 541KB] (English: GA_E1.xls, Japanese: GA_J1.xls) and PDF files of the Tankan Summary will continue to be released.
- PDF files of the Tankan Figures by Industry (tkbYYMM.pdf, Japanese website only)
Business Survey Group, Economic Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department
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