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Revision of the Preliminary Figure of Travel Receipts for January 2023

May 11, 2023
Ministry of Finance
Bank of Japan

The Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan have revised the preliminary figure for January 2023 of "travel receipts (credit)," a component of services in the current account, in Japan's balance of payments statistics.

"Travel receipts" cover goods and services acquired by foreign travelers during their visits to Japan. The data are primarily estimated by multiplying "per capita expenditure of travelers" -- which is calculated using data from the International Visitor Survey conducted quarterly by the Japan Tourism Agency -- by the "number of travelers."

As for the "per capita expenditure of travelers" used for the preliminary figure of "travel receipts" for January 2023, the source data have been updated to those from the survey conducted in the fourth quarter of 2022. Likewise, data from the same round of the survey were used as the source data for the preliminary figure for February 2023 released on April 10, 2023.

Consequently, the preliminary figure of "travel receipts" for January 2023 has been revised from 251.6 billion yen to 308.7 billion yen. The second preliminary figure for the month is to be released on Monday, July 10, 2023.

The revised figures for higher-level items, in which "travel receipts" are included, are available in the BOJ Time-Series Data Search.


Balance of Payments Division, International Department, Bank of Japan

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