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Tankan: The Comprehensive Data Set of the September 2024 Survey


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Tankan : The Comprehensive Data Set of the September 2024 Survey
Detail Page Partial data Full data
Contents all2409a.xlsx [341KB] [1,764KB]
Contents of Statistical Tables [4]
1. Judgement Survey
(1) Diffusion Index
a. Business Conditions2
b. Domestic Supply & Demand Conditions for Products and Services 4
c. Overseas Supply & Demand Conditions for Products 6
d. Inventory Level of Finished Goods & Merchandise 8
e. Wholesalers' Inventory Level 10
f. Production Capacity 12
g. Employment Conditions 14
h. Financial Position 16
i. Lending Attitude of Financial Institutions 18
j. Change in Interest Rate on Loans 20
k. Conditions for CP Issuance (Based on CP-Issuing Enterprises) 22
l. Change in Output Prices 24
m. Change in Input Prices 26
(2) Percentage Share of the Number of Respondents Choosing Each Alternative all2409b.xlsx [257KB]
a. All Enterprises28
b. Large Enterprises 30
c. Medium-sized Enterprises 32
d. Small Enterprises 34
(3) Number of Reporting Enterprises
a. All Enterprises 36
b. Large Enterprises 38
c. Medium-sized Enterprises 40
d. Small Enterprises 42
2. Annual Projections all2409c.xlsx [565KB]
(1) Year-to-year Percent Change etc.
a. Sales 44
b. Domestic Sales 48
c. Exports 52
d. Predicted Exchange Rates(U.S. dollar-yen) 56
e. Predicted Exchange Rates(Euro-yen) 60
f. Predicted Exchange Rates of Exporting Enterprises(U.S. dollar-yen) 64
g. Predicted Exchange Rates of Exporting Enterprises(Euro-yen) 68
h. Current Profits 72
i. Net Income 76
j. Fixed Investment including Land Purchasing Expenses 80
k. Software Investment 84
l. Land Purchasing Expenses 88
m. Software and Fixed Investment excluding Land Purchasing Expenses 92
n. R&D Investment 96
o. Software, R&D, and Fixed Investment excluding Land Purchasing Expenses 100
p. Ratio of Current Profit to Sales 104
(2) Nominal Yen-denominated Figures all2409d.xlsx [283KB]
a. Sales 108
b. Domestic Sales 116
c. Exports 124
d. Current Profits 132
e. Net Income 140
f. Fixed Investment including Land Purchasing Expenses 148
g. Software Investment 156
h. Land Purchasing Expenses 164
i. Software and Fixed Investment excluding Land Purchasing Expenses 172
j. R&D Investment 180
k. Software, R&D, and Fixed Investment excluding Land Purchasing Expenses 188
(3) Number of Enterprises Reporting Increase or Decrease in Profits 196
(4) Number of Enterprises Reporting Deficits 197
3. Inflation Outlook of Enterprises all2409e.xlsx [353B]
(1) Outlook for Output Prices 198
(2) Outlook for General Prices 210
Financial Institutions, Business Consultants & Pure Holding Companies all2409f.xlsx [188KB]
1. Judgement Survey
(1) Diffusion Index 224
(2) Number of Reporting Institutions 225
(3) Percentage Share of the Number of Respondents Choosing Each Alternative 225
2. Annual Projections
(1) Year-to-year Percent Change etc. 226
(2) Nominal Yen-denominated Figures 229
Overseas Business Activities
1. Annual Projections
(1) Year-to-year Percent Change etc. 234
(2) Nominal Yen-denominated Figures 238
Memo1 : Number of Population/Sample Enterprises 242
Memo2 : Standard Error Ratio 244