Price Stability and Monetary Policy
- What is monetary policy and how is it carried out in Japan?
- How does monetary policy affect economic activity and prices?
- What is the Bank's thinking on price stability and the price stability target?
- What are market operations?
- How have the Bank's guidelines for market operations changed?
- What is the uncollateralized overnight call rate? What is the excess and shortage of funds?
- What is the Complementary Deposit Facility?
- What types of open market operations does the Bank conduct?
- What are outright purchases of Japanese government bonds (JGBs)?
- What are the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth and the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending?
- What are the Climate Response Financing Operations?
- What is the monetary base?
- What is the reserve requirement system? What are excess reserves?
- What kind of role does the official discount rate -- the basic interest rate that was used by the Bank in providing loans to financial institutions -- currently play?
- What are Monetary Policy Meetings (MPMs), and when are they held?
- When does the Bank release the minutes and transcripts of Monetary Policy Meetings (MPMs)?
- How does the Bank make its assessments and projections of economic activity and prices?
- What are the factors on which the Bank bases its assessment of economic activity? How does it assess developments in expenditure in each economic sector, namely, public investment, exports and imports, business fixed investment, private consumption, and housing investment?
- What are the factors on which the Bank bases its assessment of economic activity? How does it assess developments in production as well as employment and income?
- What are the factors on which the Bank bases its assessment of prices?
- How do a central bank's profits change through large-scale monetary easing?
- What kind of effects do central bank finances have on monetary policy conduct?
- Don't central bank finances affect confidence in the currency?