Use of External Data for Op Risk Management Workshop
April 3, 2008
Bank of Japan
Center for Advanced Financial Technology
On March 19th , the Center for Advanced Financial Technology held a one-day workshop titled "Use of External Data for Op Risk Management Workshop".
Wednesday, 19 March
- "External Data Challenges --- A Missing Element ? of Op Risk Management in Japan" (PDF 331KB)
Mr. Tsuyoshi Oyama, Deputy Director-General, Bank of Japan - "External Data as an Element for AMA" (PDF 607KB)
Mr. Shinichiro (Nic) Shimizu, Deputy Director, FSA - "An Analysis of Japanese Banks' Loss Data : Possible Use of External Loss Data" (PDF 506KB)
Mr. Tsuyoshi Nagafuji, Deputy Director, FSA - "Use of External Data for Operational Risk Management" (PDF 1,536KB)
Mr. Joseph A. Sabatini, Chairman, ORX
Mr. Simon Wills, Executive Director, ORX - "External Data for Operational Risk Management" (PDF 387KB)
Mr. Garth Hinton, Executive Director - Asia Pacific , Risk Business - "APPLICATIONS OF EXTERNAL LOSS DATA FOR OPERATIONAL RISK WITH KOREC" (PDF 1,313KB)
Mr. Chong-ho Kim, KOREC (Korea Operational Riskdata Exchange Committee) - "Using External Data in AMA Capital Modeling" (PDF 554KB)
Mr. Nedim Baruh,Senior,Vice President, Algorithmics - "Utilization of External Data (Augmenting top-down scenarios)" (PDF 570KB)
Mr. Kazuhiko Takimoto, Hyakugo Bank - "Using ELD: The Australian Experience" (PDF 221KB)
Mr. Harvey Crapp, General Manager, Credit & Operational Risk Services, APRA(Australian Prudential Regulation Authority)