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Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability (CCFS)


The Financial Services Agency (FSA) and the Bank of Japan have held meetings of the CCFS biannually since June 25, 2014 to exchange views on the current situation of the financial system and the market among senior officials, including the Commissioner of the FSA and the Deputy Governors of the Bank, with a view to strengthening their coordination regarding macroprudential policy.

The CCFS is to also discuss any future change in the level of the countercyclical capital buffer by the FSA. For details, see the FSA website [PDF] (available in Japanese only) (Link to an external website).

For more information on coordination between the FSA and the Bank, please also refer to Coordination with the Financial Services Agency.

table: Initiatives on the Macroprudential Front
Oct. 11, 2024 Twenty-first Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 195KB]
Apr. 11, 2024 Twentieth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 204KB]
Oct. 16, 2023 Nineteenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 100KB]
Apr. 17, 2023 Eighteenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 181KB]
Oct. 18, 2022 Seventeenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 180KB]
Apr. 14, 2022 Sixteenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 181KB]
Oct. 19, 2021 Fifteenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 180KB]
Apr.  8, 2021 Fourteenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 181KB]
Oct. 13, 2020 Thirteenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 182KB]
Apr.  8, 2020 Twelfth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 187KB]
Oct.  9, 2019 Eleventh Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 9KB]
Mar. 25, 2019 Tenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 9KB]
Sept. 28, 2018 Ninth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 9KB]
Feb. 16, 2018 Eighth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 22KB]
Aug.  9, 2017 Seventh Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" [PDF 20KB]
Apr. 28, 2017 Sixth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" (English translation based on the Japanese original released on January 23, 2017) [PDF 22KB]
Apr. 28, 2017 Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" (English translation based on the Japanese original released on July 25, 2016) [PDF 32KB]
Apr. 28, 2017 Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability" (English translation based on the Japanese original released on June 25, 2014) [PDF 46KB]