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Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan


BOJ Time-Series Data Search


Table : Releases
Date Data
Sept.  3, 2024 As of August 30, 2024 [XLSX 17KB]
Aug.  2, 2024 As of July 31, 2024 [XLSX 17KB]
July  2, 2024 As of June 28, 2024 [XLSX 17KB]
June  4, 2024 As of May 31, 2024 [XLSX 17KB]
May   2, 2024 As of April 30, 2024 [XLSX 17KB]
Apr.  2, 2024 As of March 29, 2024 [XLSX 17KB]
Mar.  4, 2024 As of February 29, 2024 [XLSX 17KB]
Feb.  2, 2024 As of January 31, 2024 [XLSX 17KB]
Jan.  5, 2024 As of December 29, 2023 [XLSX 17KB]
Dec.  4, 2023 As of November 30, 2023 [XLSX 17KB]
Nov.  2, 2023 As of October 31, 2023 [XLSX 17KB]
Oct.  3, 2023 As of September 29, 2023 [XLSX 17KB]

Data / Notes

Notices of Changes and Corrections

Notices of Changes

July  4, 2016
Additions to "Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan" 
Apr.  4, 2016
Addition of a Footnote to "Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan" 
Mar.  4, 2014
Additions to "Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan" 
June  4, 2013
Release of BOJ Time-Series Data Search of "Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan" 
May   7, 2009
Additions and Deletions to "Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan" 
Mar.  9, 2009
Statistical Treatment of Treasury Discount Bills 
Mar.  3, 2009
Additions to "Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan" 
June 23, 2006
Treatment of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral in the Bank's Statistics 
June  4, 2002
Release of Data on Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan 

Notices of Corrections