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[Notes on Statistics]Monetary Aggregates (Market volume, outstanding) / Outstanding of Deposits and Loans


Data for which no sources are mentioned are compiled by the Bank of Japan.
All times are Japan Standard Time unless noted otherwise.


Time Deposits

(1)Time Deposits: Amounts Outstanding and New Deposits by Maturity
(Reference)Time Deposits New Receipts and Outstanding / Domestically Licensed Banks(excluding trust subsidiaries and foreign trust banks, through February 2000)

  1. Figures are those of banking accounts of domestically licensed banks that conduct transactions with the Bank of Japan. Figures exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank. Excludes time deposits with regulated interest rates. From October 18, 1993, figures include time deposits with floating interest rates.
    1. (a) Through September 1993, figures in "3 Years-Less than 4 Years" are those for 3 years.
    2. (b) Through September 1994, figures in "4 Years or More and Less than 5 Years" are those for 4 years.
    3. (c) Through September 1995, figures in "5 Years or More and Less than 6 Years" are those for 5 years.

(2) Deposits of 10 Million Yen or More

  1. Amount of deposits: 1 billion yen or more (from October 1985); 500 million yen or more (from April 1986); 300 million yen or more (from September 1986); 100 million yen or more (from April 1987); 50 million yen or more (from April 1988); 30 million yen or more (from November 1988); 20 million yen or more (from April 1989); 10 million yen or more (from October 1989).
  2. Terms of deposits: 3 months to 2 years (from October 1985); 1 month to 2 years (from October 1987). The maximum term limit: 3 years (from November 1991); 4 years (from October 1993); 5 years (from October 1994). The maximum term limit was abolished from October 1995.

(3) Deposits of 3 Million Yen or More and Less than 10 Million Yen

Terms of deposits: 3 months to 3 years (from November 1991); 1 month to 3 years (from June 1993). The maximum term limit: 4 years (from October 1993); 5 years (from October 1994). The maximum term limit was abolished from October 1995.

(4) Deposits of Less than 3 Million Yen

Terms of deposits: 1 month to 3 years (from June 1993). The maximum term limit: 4 years (from October 1993); 5 years (from October 1994). The maximum term limit was abolished from October 1995.

Amounts Outstanding of Deposits by Depositor

Amounts Outstanding of Deposits by Depositor (End of Period) (FH data)

  1. See the explanatory notes.
  2. Figures exclude offshore accounts (established in December 1986).
  3. Domestically licensed banks' banking accounts in the statistics exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank.
  4. The data of March and September from 1978 to 1984 include installments of sogo banks in "total of deposits" and "time and savings deposits" of domestically licensed banks and regional banks II (the data for June and December do not include installments). The data from March 1985 to March 1989 include installments in "total of deposits" and "time and savings deposits" of domestically licensed banks and regional banks II. Installments have been reported as part of "time and savings deposits" since June 1989 after sogo banks were converted to regional banks II.
  5. Due to the revision of the industrial classification, detailed components of "institutions providing medical, health care, welfare, and educational services, and other organizations" and "institutions providing welfare and educational services and other organizations" have been changed since March 2003. Those of "nondeposit-taking institutions including money lenders and credit card companies (but excluding government financial institutions)" have also been changed since September 2009.
  6. Since the data are preliminary figures at the time of the first publication, they may be revised at the next publication.
  7. If an error is discovered in the reported data or in the compiling process, the data are revised immediately. In principle, the data are retroactively revised approximately for the previous 3 years, and are announced on the closest release date from when the error was reported. However, in cases where the scale of revision is below 0.1% of amounts outstanding of total of deposits, the data are revised at the time of the next revision.
  8. From March 2004, we stopped classifying city banks, regional banks, and regional banks II as the breakdowns by type of domestically licensed banks.
  9. From December 2000, we stopped classifying trust banks and long-term credit banks.

Deposits of Japanese Residents at Overseas Branches of Private Financial Institutions

(Reference) Deposits of Japanese Residents at Overseas Branches of Private Financial Institutions (through the fourth Quarter of 2003)

  1. Survey covers the following financial institutions: Domestically licensed banks, the Norinchukin Bank, the Shoko Chukin Bank, and Shinkin Central Bank.
  2. The deposits (average amounts outstanding) are monthly average outstanding.

Deposits, Vault Cash, and Loans and Bills Discounted

Deposits, Vault Cash, and Loans and Bills Discounted

  1. See the explanatory notes.
  2. Figures exclude offshore accounts (established in December 1986).
  3. Domestically licensed banks' banking accounts in the statistics exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank.
  4. Other Financial Institutions covers the following financial institutions: The Norinchukin Bank, the Shoko Chukin Bank, Shinkin Central Bank, Shinkumi Federation Bank, the Rokinren Bank, and Prefectural Credit Federations of Agricultural Cooperatives.
  5. "Demand deposits" is the sum of "current deposits,""ordinary deposits,""saving deposits,""deposits at notice,""special deposits," and "deposits for tax payments." It excludes "nonresident yen deposits," and "foreign currency deposits."
  6. "Time and savings deposits" is the sum of "time deposits,""fixed savings," and "installment savings."
  7. Overseas office of domestically licensed banks includes "loans and bills discounted" to Japanese residents.
  8. The definition of small enterprises is as follows.
    Through March 2000:
    Small enterprises: Corporations and private unincorporated enterprises with capital of 100 million yen or less or with regular employees of 300 persons or less ("wholesale trade" capitalized at 30 million yen or less or with regular employees of 100 persons or less, and "retail trade,""eating and drinking services" and "services (old basis)" capitalized at 10 million yen or less or with regular employees of 50 persons or less).
    From April 2000 to February 2003:
    Small enterprises: Corporations and private unincorporated enterprises with capital of 300 million yen or less or with regular employees of 300 persons or less ("wholesale trade" capitalized at 100 million yen or less or with regular employees of 100 persons or less, and "retail trade" and "eating and drinking services" capitalized at 50 million yen or less or with regular employees of 50 persons or less, and "services (old basis)" capitalized at 50 million yen or less or with regular employees of 100 persons or less).
    From March 2003 to May 2009:
    The classification standard for "services (old basis)" is applied to "services" (excluding "eating and drinking services").
    From June 2009:
    The classification standard for "services (old basis)" is applied to "services" (excluding "eating and drinking services"). These industries include "goods rental and leasing,""scientific research, and professional and technical services,""hotels,""living-related and personal services,""amusement services,""education and learning support,""medical, health care, and welfare services," and "other services."
  9. "Loans and bills discounted (End of Period, Average Amounts Outstanding)" excludes loans to the central government.
  10. "Corporations (including financial corporations)" indicates figures that exclude "local governments,""households," and "overseas yen loans and domestic loans transferred overseas" from the total of "loans and bills discounted," and include private unincorporated enterprises.
  11. Loans to households identified as being for business purpose are excluded from "households." In principle, loans that cannot be classified as being for business or nonbusiness purpose are recorded under "households." Note that some banks reclassified loans by purpose for business or nonbusiness in March 2004, September 2006, June 2009, April 2010, September 2015, and March 2018. As a result, loans for business purpose were excluded from "households."
  12. "Central government" is the sum of loans to the general account and the special accounts.
  13. Through August 2006, Shinkin Banks excludes "loans to other financial institutions."
  14. Since the data of March and September are preliminary figures at the time of the first publication, they may be revised at the next publication.
  15. If an error is discovered in the reported data or in the compiling process, the data are revised immediately. In principle, the data are retroactively revised approximately for the previous 3 years, and are announced on the closest release date from when the error was reported. However, in cases where the scale of revision is below 0.1% of amounts outstanding of total of deposits or loans, the data are revised at the time of the next revision.
  16. From January 2004, we stopped classifying city banks, regional banks, and regional banks II as the breakdowns by type of domestically licensed banks.
  17. The abolished breakdowns of domestically licensed banks (city banks, regional banks, and regional banks II) in January 2004 were partly resumed in March 2009. Figures are available from April 1998.
  18. February 2011 data were unavailable for some Shinkin banks. They are replaced by those of the previous month.

Deposits, Vault Cash, and Loans and Bills Discounted by Prefecture (Domestically Licensed Banks)

Deposits, Vault Cash, and Loans and Bills Discounted by Prefecture (Domestically Licensed Banks)

  1. See the explanatory notes.
  2. Domestically licensed banks' banking accounts in the statistics exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank.
  3. Figures exclude offshore accounts (established in December 1986).
  4. "Other deposits" includes nonresident yen deposits and foreign currency deposits.
  5. If an error is discovered in the reported data or in the compiling process, the data are revised immediately. In principle, the data are retroactively revised approximately for the previous 3 years, and are announced on the closest release date from when the error was reported. However, in cases where the scale of revision is below 0.1% of amounts outstanding of total of deposits or loans, the data are revised at the time of the next revision.
  6. For the time-series data of "loans and bills discounted" for some prefectures, mainly Ibaraki and adjacent ones, figures from July 2015 onward have been revised due to the reclassification of loans for one of the reporting banks.
  7. For the time-series data of "loans and bills discounted" for some prefectures, mainly Gifu and adjacent ones, figures from March 2018 onward have been revised due to the reclassification of loans for one of the reporting banks.
  8. For the time-series data of "loans and bills discounted," there are discontinuities in the data for August 2022 due to the reclassification of loans for one of the reporting banks.

(Reference) Deposits, Loans and Discounts by Area and Type (through December 2003)

  1. Banking accounts.
  2. Figures exclude offshore accounts (established in December 1986).
  3. See the file <Deposits, Vault Cash, and Loans and Bills Discounted by Prefecture (Domestically Licensed Banks)> for information regarding amounts outstanding of total of domestically licensed banks.
  4. "Other deposits" includes nonresident yen deposits and foreign currency deposits.

Principal Figures of Financial Institutions (Preliminary figures)

Principal Figures of Financial Institutions (Preliminary figures)

  1. The most recent figures are preliminary. The others are final. See the explanatory notes.
  2. Excludes offshore accounts.
    1. (a) Figures for total of major, regional, and shinkin banks include yen-denominated loans in accounts held in Japan, foreign currency-denominated impact loans in accounts held in Japan and overseas, and euro-yen impact loans in accounts held overseas. Other surveyed domestically licensed banks are not included in major and regional banks. Loans to non-residents are excluded. Figures exclude loans to financial institutions and the central government (except those for foreign banks).
    2. (b) Total of city banks, three trust banks (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, Mizuho Trust & Banking Company, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank), SBI Shinsei Bank, and Aozora Bank. This item is equivalent to major banks in the released material.
    3. (c) Compiled via Shinkin Central Bank.
    4. (d) Total of domestic banks that are not included in major banks, regional banks I, and regional banks II.
    5. (e) Total of Japan Post Bank, Sony Bank, SMBC Trust Bank, ORIX Bank, and JSF Trust and Banking Co.
    6. (f) Figures exclude unsettled checks and bills.
    7. (g) Total of domestic banks that are not included in city banks, regional banks I, and regional banks II. Other surveyed domestically licensed banks for "Deposits and CDs" are different from those for "Loans and Discounts."
    8. (h) Total of three trust banks (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, Mizuho Trust & Banking Company, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank), Shinsei Bank, Aozora Bank, Japan Post Bank, PayPay Bank, Sony Bank, SMBC Trust Bank, and ORIX Bank. Other surveyed domestically licensed banks for "Deposits and CDs" are different from those for "Loans and Discounts."
    9. (i) Special Items are:
      Securitization of loans: changes in amounts outstanding of securitized loans from the previous year.
      Adjustment for exchange rate changes: changes in amounts outstanding of foreign-currency denominated impact loans converted into yen-denominated amounts, due to year-on-year U.S. dollar / yen rate changes.
      Loan write-offs and related items: total amounts of loan write-offs in the past year, including those through special reserves, losses on loan asset sales to the Cooperative Credit Purchase Corporation (dissolved on March 26, 2004), other losses on loan asset sales, renunciation of loan claims, and etc.
    10. (j) "Amounts Outstanding of CP Underwritten by Banks" represents month-end figures for the amount of CP (including ABCP) underwritten by city banks, regional banks I, regional banks II, three trust banks (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, Mizuho Trust & Banking Company, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank), Shinsei Bank, Aozora Bank, Norinchukin Bank, Shoko Chukin Bank, Shinkin Central Bank, financial instruments firms holding current accounts at the Bank of Japan, and foreign banks' branches holding current accounts at the Bank of Japan. Figures include ABCP issued by foreign corporations (so-called Samurai ABCP), but exclude other CP issued by foreign corporations. Figures through April 2002 exclude a few banks due to unavailable data.
    11. (k) "Amounts Outstanding of CP Underwritten by Banks" represents month-end figures for the amount of CP (including ABCP) underwritten by city banks, regional banks I, regional banks II, long-term credit banks, five trust banks (Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Mizuho Trust & Banking Company, UFJ Trust Bank, Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking, Sumitomo Trust and Banking), Norinchukin Bank, Shoko Chukin Bank, Shinkin Central Bank, securities companies holding current accounts at the Bank of Japan, and foreign banks' branches holding current accounts at the Bank of Japan. Figures exclude CP issued by non-residents.
    12. (l) City banks, long-term credit banks and five trust banks (Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Mizuho Trust & Banking Company, UFJ Trust Bank, Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking, Sumitomo Trust and Banking).
    13. (m) "Amounts Outstanding of CP Issued by Banks" represents month-end figures for the amount of CP issued by city banks, regional banks I, regional banks II, three trust banks (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, Mizuho Trust & Banking Company, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank), Shinsei Bank, Aozora Bank, Norinchukin Bank, Shoko Chukin Bank, Shinkin Central Bank, and foreign banks' branches holding current accounts at the Bank of Japan.

Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector

Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector

  1. See the explanatory notes.
  2. There are some discontinuities in the data for the first quarter of 2003 and for the second quarter of 2009 due to the revisions of the industrial classification.
  3. Figures exclude offshore accounts (established in December 1986) and loans to the central government. Through the second quarter of 2006, Shinkin Banks excludes "loans to other financial institutions."
  4. From the second quarter of 1993 (as for Shinkin Banks, from the second quarter of 1994) include overdrafts. Cash advances extended through the bank cards and wide cards are recorded under "households."
  5. Local public corporations are categorized based on their primary business, in accordance with the Japan Standard Industrial Classification.
  6. Loans to households identified as being for business purpose are categorized under the appropriate industry. In principle, loans that cannot be classified as being for business or nonbusiness purpose are recorded under "households," as are housing funds and consumer credit with installment repayments. Note that some banks reclassified loans by purpose for business or nonbusiness in the first quarter of 2004, the third quarter of 2006, the second quarter of 2009, the second quarter of 2010, the third quarter of 2015, and the first quarter of 2018. As a result, loans that were identified as being for business purposes were reclassified into each appropriate industry, such as real estate.
  7. Some banks reclassified certain loans between sub-sectors of "real estate." As a result, there are discontinuities in the data for the second quarter of 2015 for loans to "house and room lending by households" and for the third quarter of 2017 for loans to "special purpose companies for real estate."
  8. Figures through the third quarter of 1993 are totals for domestically licensed banks' (excluding trust subsidiaries and foreign trust banks, including sogo banks) banking accounts and trust accounts. Figures from the fourth quarter of 1993 through the first quarter of 1999 are totals for domestically licensed banks' (excluding foreign trust banks) banking accounts and trust accounts. Figures from the second quarter of 1999 are totals for domestically licensed banks' banking accounts, trust accounts, and overseas office accounts (loans to Japanese residents). Figures exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank.
  9. Figures for "hotels" are those for "ryokan, Japanese-style hotel" through the fourth quarter of 2002, while figures from the first quarter of 2003 onward are those for "hotels."
  10. The classification of enterprises is as follows.
    Through the first quarter of 2000:
    Small enterprises: Corporations and private unincorporated enterprises with capital of 100 million yen or less or with regular employees of 300 persons or less ("wholesale trade" capitalized at 30 million yen or less or with regular employees of 100 persons or less, and "retail trade," "eating and drinking services," and "services (old basis)" capitalized at 10 million yen or less or with regular employees of 50 persons or less).
    Medium-sized enterprises: Enterprises other than small and large enterprises.
    Large enterprises: Corporations with capital of 1 billion yen or more and with regular employees over 300 persons ("wholesale trade" capitalized at 1 billion yen or more and with regular employees over 100 persons, and "retail trade" and "eating and drinking services" capitalized at 1 billion yen or more and with regular employees over 50 persons, and "services (old basis)" capitalized at 1 billion yen or more and with regular employees over 50 persons).
    From the second quarter of 2000 to the fourth quarter of 2002:
    Small enterprises: Corporations and private unincorporated enterprises with capital of 300 million yen or less or with regular employees of 300 persons or less ("wholesale trade" capitalized at 100 million yen or less or with regular employees of 100 persons or less, and "retail trade" and "eating and drinking services" capitalized at 50 million yen or less or with regular employees of 50 persons or less, and "services (old basis)" capitalized at 50 million yen or less or with regular employees of 100 persons or less).
    Medium-sized enterprises: Enterprises other than small and large enterprises.
    Large enterprises: Corporations with capital of 1 billion yen or more and with regular employees over 300 persons ("wholesale trade" capitalized at 1 billion yen or more and with regular employees over 100 persons, and "retail trade" and "eating and drinking services" capitalized at 1 billion yen or more and with regular employees over 50 persons, and "services (old basis)" capitalized at 1 billion yen or more and with regular employees over 100 persons).
    From the first quarter of 2003 to the first quarter of 2009:
    The classification standard for "services (old basis)" is applied to "services" (excluding "eating and drinking services").
    From the second quarter of 2009:
    The classification standard for "services (old basis)" is applied to industries that were categorized previously as "services" (excluding "eating and drinking services"). These industries include "goods rental and leasing,""scientific research and professional and technical services,""hotels,""living-related and personal services, and amusement services,""education and learning support,""medical, health care, and welfare services," and "other services."
  11. There are some discontinuities in the data for the first quarter of 2003 and for the second quarter of 2009 due to the revisions of the industrial classification.
  12. "Corporations (including financial corporations)" indicates figures that exclude "local governments,""households," and "overseas yen loans and domestic loans transferred overseas" from the total of "loans and bills discounted," and include private unincorporated enterprises.
  13. Since the data of the first quarter and the third quarter are preliminary figures at the time of the first publication, they may be revised at the next publication.
  14. If an error is discovered in the reported data or in the compiling process, the data are revised immediately. In principle, the data are retroactively revised approximately for the previous 3 years, and are announced on the closest release date from when the error was reported. However, in cases where the scale of revision is below 0.1% of amounts outstanding of total of loans, the data are revised at the time of the next revision.

Loans to Households

Housing Loans (Domestically Licensed Banks and Shinkin Banks)

  1. Figures represent loans to households for the purchase of housing (excluding purchases for business purposes). They include loans that cannot be classified as being for business or nonbusiness purposes. Note that some banks reclassified loans by purpose for business or nonbusiness in the first quarter of 2004, the third quarter of 2006, the second quarter of 2009, the second quarter of 2010, the third quarter of 2015, and the first quarter of 2018. As a result, those loans for business purpose were excluded from the figures.
  2. Figures are loans with installment repayments, which are repayments that continue for at least 2 months and require at least 3 installments.
  3. Housing loans include not only loans for construction, rebuilding, and purchases of homes, but also those for purchases of land for residential use.
  4. Figures through the third quarter of 1993 are totals for domestically licensed banks' (excluding trust subsidiaries and foreign trust banks, including sogo banks) banking accounts and trust accounts. Figures from the fourth quarter of 1993 through the first quarter of 1999 are totals for domestically licensed banks' (excluding foreign trust banks) banking accounts and trust accounts. Figures from the second quarter of 1999 are totals for domestically licensed banks' banking accounts, trust accounts and overseas office accounts (loans to Japanese residents). Figures exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank.
  5. Through the first quarter of 1999, figures for refinance by assigned housing mortgage certificate are included in new loans, and those for repayment transfer of the certificate are subtracted from the total outstanding.
  6. Since the data of the first quarter and the third quarter are preliminary figures at the time of the first publication, the data may be revised at the next publication.
  7. If an error is discovered in the reported data or in the compiling process, the data are revised immediately. In principle, the data are retroactively revised approximately for the previous 3 years, and are announced on the closest release date from when the error was reported. However, in cases where the scale of revision is below 0.1% of amounts outstanding of total of loans, the data are revised at the time of the next revision.
  8. From the fourth quarter of 2000, we stopped classifying trust banks and long-term credit banks as the breakdowns by type of domestically licensed banks.
  9. From the fourth quarter of 2003, we stopped classifying city banks, regional banks, and regional banks II as the breakdowns by type of domestically licensed banks.

Consumer Loans (Domestically Licensed Banks and Shinkin Banks)

  1. Figures represent loans to households for purchase of consumer goods and services (excluding purchases for business purposes).
  2. Figures are the total of loans with installment repayments and card loans (overdraft-type card loans, consumer loans based on the small-amount financing system for workers, and cash advance loans).
  3. Figures include loans for unspecified consumer expenses.
  4. Figures through the third quarter of 1993 are totals for domestically licensed banks' (excluding trust subsidiaries and foreign trusts banks, including sogo banks) banking accounts and trust accounts. Figures from the fourth quarter of 1993 through the first quarter of 1999 are totals for domestically licensed banks' (excluding foreign trust banks) banking accounts and trust accounts. Figures from the second quarter of 1999 are totals for domestically licensed banks' banking accounts, trust accounts, and overseas office accounts (loans to Japanese residents). Figures exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank.
  5. Since the data of the first quarter and the third quarter are preliminary figures at the time of the first publication, the data may be revised at the next publication.
  6. If an error is discovered in the reported data or in the compiling process, the data are revised immediately. In principle, the data are retroactively revised approximately for the previous 3 years, and are announced on the closest release date from when the error was reported. However, in cases where the scale of revision is below 0.1% of amounts outstanding of total of loans, the data are revised at the time of the next revision.
  7. From the fourth quarter of 2003, we stopped classifying city banks, regional banks, and regional banks II as the breakdowns by type of domestically licensed banks.


Loans and Discounts Outstanding by Interest Rate

  1. Figures are those of banking accounts of domestically licensed banks that conduct transactions with the Bank of Japan. Figures exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank.
    1. (a) Figures in "Total/(1)Total" and "Total/(2)Loans on Bills and Deeds" include loans with no interest.
    2. (b) From February 1994, figures in "Less than 0.25%/(1)Total" and "Less than 0.25%/(2)Loans on Bills and Deeds" include loans with no interest.
    3. (c) Through January 1994, figures in "3.00% or More and Less than 3.25%/(1)Total" and "3.00% or More and Less than 3.25%/(2)Loans on Bills and Deeds" are those for"less than 3.25 percent" (exclude loans with no interest).

Commitment Lines Extended by Japanese Banks

  1. Data are compiled from City Banks, Regional Banks, Regional Banks II, three Trust Banks (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, Mizuho Trust & Banking, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank), SBI Shinsei Bank and Aozora Bank.
  2. Data are end-of-month basis.
  3. Data are commitment lines extended to residents in Japan by branches / offices in Japan and overseas, and yen-denominated commitment lines extended to non-residents by branches / offices in Japan.

Amounts of Loans by Collateral Type

  1. Figures are those of banking accounts of domestically licensed banks that conduct transactions with the Bank of Japan. Figures include accounts of overseas offices. Figures exclude the Resolution and Collection Corporation (through March 1999, Resolution and Collection Bank), Kii Deposit Management Bank (dissolved on March 31, 2002), the Bridge Bank of Japan (dissolved on March 8, 2004), the Second Bridge Bank of Japan (the business was transferred on December 26, 2011), and the Japan Post Bank. Figures from fiscal 1989 include regional banks II, and figures through fiscal 1991 include sogo banks. Through 1992, figures exclude trust subsidiaries and foreign trust banks.
  2. (a) "Loans Secured by Other Collateral/Loans Secured by Collateral" is deposit collateral, etc.

(Reference) Amount Outstanding of Loans and Discounts (through March 2013)

  1. The figures are totals amount of bank accounts and trust accounts.
  2. Overseas branches and offshore accounts are excluded.
    1. (a) Figures include housing loans. The loans extended to small business owners for general business purposes are included. The date are reported by City Banks, three Trust Banks (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, Mizuho Trust & Banking, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, same hereafter),Shinsei Bank and Aozora Bank.
    2. (b) Figures are reported by City Banks, Regional Banks, Regional Banks II, three Trust Banks, Shinsei Bank and Aozora Bank.
    3. (c) The data represent the loans extended to the individuals for construction, rebuilding and purchase of houses.
    4. (d) Figures include the loans extended to local government and local public corporations.

Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices at Large Japanese Banks

  1. The sample of surveyed bank is reviewed evey three years. Among domestically licensed banks (excluding several banks) and shinkin banks that hold current accounts with the Bank of Japan, the 50 largest banks in terms of average amount outstanding of loans cooperate with the survey. The aggregated loan amount of the surveyed 50 banks accounts for about 80 percent of the total amount outstanding of loans held by all domestically licensed banks and shinkin banks. Households do not include private unincorporated enterprises. Local governments include administrations of prefectures and municipalities, as well as businesses directly managed by prefectures and municipalities such as public transportation, utilities (water, electricity, and gas), and hospitals. The classification of firms is as follows. Large firms: corporations with capital of 1 billion yen or over with more than 300 regular employees ("wholesaling" and "services" capitalized at 1 billion yen or over with more than 100 regular employees; and "retailing" and "food and beverage services" capitalized at 1 billion yen or over with more than 50 regular employees). Small firms: corporations and private unincorporated enterprises with capital of 300 million yen or less or with 300 regular employees or less ("wholesaling" capitalized at 100 million yen or less or with 100 regular employees or less; "retailing" and "food and beverage services" capitalized at 50 million yen or less or with 50 regular employees or less; and "other services" capitalized at 50 million yen or less or with 100 regular employees or less). Medium-sized firms: corporations that are not included in the above two categories.
    1. (a) (Percentage of respondents selecting "substantially stronger" + percentage of respondents selecting "moderately stronger" * 0.5) - (percentage of respondents selecting "substantially weaker" + percentage of respondents selecting "moderately weaker" * 0.5)
    2. (b) (Percentage of respondents selecting "eased considerably" + percentage of respondents selecting "eased somewhat" * 0.5) - (percentage of respondents selecting "tightened considerably" + percentage of respondents selecting "tightened somewhat" * 0.5)