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[Notes on Statistics]Balance of Payments Related Statistics


Data for which no sources are mentioned are compiled by the Bank of Japan.
All times are Japan Standard Time unless noted otherwise.

General Notes on the Balance of Payments Related Statistics

  1. For a list of the statistics, access to data, the release schedule, as well as the components and structure including breakdown by partner economy, see Balance of Payments Related Statistics (Data Based on the BPM6).
  2. For the compilation methods, see Explanation of "Balance of Payments Related Statistics (Data Based on the BPM6)".
  3. The basis for the compilation of Balance of Payments related statistics switched to the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) for data from 2014 onward. For the Balance of Payments and the International Investment Position of Japan (Calendar Year Data), historical data originally compiled based on the fifth edition (BPM5) and rearranged based on the BPM6 (Historical Data Rearranged Based on the BPM6) are made available. In addition, the rearranged time-series data are linked with the time-series data based on the BPM6 to the extent possible. For further information, see FAQs on the Balance of Payments Related Statistics.
  4. Statistical discontinuities in the data based on the BPM6 are as follows:
    1. a.Portfolio Investment Assets by Quotation Currency
      The Chinese yuan has been added to the currency breakdown, starting with the data for January 2022. Therefore, "others" in the breakdown by currency includes the Chinese yuan for data through December 2021, but excludes it from January 2022 onward.
    2. b.(Reference) Regional Direct Investment Position (Inward investment) (Ultimate investor)
      "Japan" has been added to the breakdown by economy, starting with the data for year-end 2018. "Asia" in the breakdown by economy excludes Japan for data through year-end 2017, but includes it from year-end 2018 onward.
    3. c.Portfolio Investment Position (Assets/Liabilities) by Currency and Type of Securities
      The Chinese yuan has been added to the currency breakdown, starting with the data for year-end 2016. Therefore, "other" in the breakdown by currency includes the Chinese yuan for data through year-end 2015, but excludes it from year-end 2016 onward.