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Announcement of the Bank of Japan's Issue-by-Issue Holdings of JGBs by Amount Outstanding

June 11, 2001
Revision: April 8, 2004
Bank of Japan
Financial Markets Department

In an effort to enhance information provided in the JGB markets and taking account of suggestions from market participants, the Bank of Japan has decided to periodically publish amount outstanding of the Bank's issue-by-issue holdings of JGBs on its Web site (See "Measures for enhancing liquidity in JGB markets and transparency in JGB-related money market operations" released on May 29, 2001). The Bank is today releasing the first set of data as of June 8, 2001. Details are as below. The Bank believes it should make it easier for market participants to estimate tradable amounts of JGBs, thereby contributing to enhancing market liquidity.

Data to be published

Amount outstanding of the Bank's issue-by-issue holdings of JGBs excluding TBs and FBs. JGBs held by the Bank consist of those purchased through the outright purchases and those rolled over for matured JGBs (excluding those sold to the Government Debt Consolidation Fund, etc.).



Timing of release

The evening of the business day following the day of settlement of the first outright purchases of JGBs.

For further information, contact

Masashi Kuramoto (Tel: +81-3-3277-1284, E-mail:

Open Market Operations, Financial Markets Department