Nov. 30, 2001 |
Revision of the Financial and Economic Statistics Monthly |
Nov. 30, 2001 |
Changes in the Deposits, Loans and Discounts statistics |
Sept. 28, 2001 |
Notice for the second quarter 2001, Flow of Funds Accounts |
Sept. 6, 2001 |
Change in the smallest tick in uncollateralized overnight call rate |
Aug. 8, 2001 |
Changes to Items in "Issuance of CP" in "Principal Figures of Financial Institutions (Preliminary figures)" |
June 11, 2001 |
Announcement of the Bank of Japan's Issue-by-Issue Holdings of JGBs by Amount Outstanding |
May 25, 2001 |
Alterations in "Amount Outstanding of Deposits by Depositor (End of Period)" |
Apr. 26, 2001 |
Introduction of Diffusion Indexes to the "Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices at Large Japanese Banks" |
Apr. 2, 2001 |
Addition of 'Software Investment' from March survey 2001 to TANKAN [PDF 13KB] |
Apr. 2, 2001 |
Addition of 'Software Investment' from March survey 2001 to TANKAN [ZIP 5KB] |
Mar. 26, 2001 |
Addition of "software investment" and related change of release forms in Short- term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan ,TANKAN |
Feb. 20, 2001 |
Adding New Sample Enterprises to the All Enterprises Tankan |
Feb. 19, 2001 |
Notice on monetary statistics |
Feb. 9, 2001 |
Alterations in the " Sources of Change in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan and Market Operation" and "Monetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions" |