Addition of "software investment" and related change of release forms in Short- term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan ,TANKAN
March 26, 2001
Bank of Japan
Research and Statistics Department
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From the March 2001 TANKAN survey, "software investment" is being added. In the release forms, "software investment" and "software and fixed investments" will also be added. Please see Appendix 1.
The "Fixed Investment of Financial Institution Survey" will be changed in the same way.
Due to this addition, the tables on p. 4-5 in the "TANKAN Summary", published on the first release day, will be changed as shown in Appendix 2.
As for "The Comprehensive Data Set" which is up-loaded to our Web site on the second release day, a few pages including the new items will be added. There is no change in the "TANKAN Outline".
The nominal yen-denominated figures of "software investment" will be released on the first release day, April 2, which will only occur for the March 2001 survey, since it is the first survey to include the software investments.
From June, these figures will be published on the second release day, which is the same as the other nominal yen-denominated figures in TANKAN.
Appendix 1
Addition of "Software Investment" from March survey 2001 to TANKAN
1. Definition
The amount of computer software investment newly capitalized as intangible fixed assets during the term.
Outlays for capitalized investment for software both for sale and for internal use.
This definition is different from that of "computer software investment" in the SNA (System of National Accounts), which is the amount of sales* of order-made software in the information service industry. As a result, "software investment" in the TANKAN survey is the amount of both order-made and self-developed software investment newly capitalized as intangible fixed assets. "Computer software investment" in the SNA includes outlays for order-made software including these booked as expenses, but does not include outlays for self-developed software.
- Including sale to governments and financial institutions (All enterprises TANKAN does not include them).