Release of New Time Series Data of "BIS International Locational Banking Statistics in Japan"
December 4, 2015
Bank of Japan
Financial Markets Department
The Bank of Japan will release new time series data of domestic banks for "BIS International Banking Statistics in Japan" with the release of the end-September data.
The data will be calculated as the sum of cross-border claims/liabilities of domestic banks in "BIS International Banking Statistics in Japan" and will be made available retroactively from end-December 2007. The data will be titled "(Memorandum 3) All countries (domestic banks)" and will be located in "claims and liabilities" under Long-Term Time-Series Data. The release date of the data will be posted on the "Release schedule" once confirmed.
Key developments of the cross-border claims/liabilities of domestic and foreign banks will be explained using the data in the "Overview" section of "The Results of BIS International Locational Banking Statistics and International Consolidated Banking Statistics in Japan."
Financial Markets Statistics Group, Coordination and Market Analysis Division, Financial Markets Department
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