Revisions of the Tankan and New Release Format
December 23, 2019
Research and Statistics Department
Bank of Japan
The Bank of Japan has proceeded with the implementation of the revisions of the Tankan (Short-term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan), in light of changes in the economic structure, such as the growing importance of R&D and the progress of globalization.
The implementation of the revisions, which, among other things, will include the introduction of a new survey category regarding overseas business activities previously planned for around 2020 in the "Planned Revisions of the Tankan1 " in December 2016, will be implemented in the March 2020 Tankan survey and June 2020 Tankan survey. With this implementation, along with implemented revisions -- the addition of R&D investment to survey items in the March 2017 survey and the revision of sampling methodology in the March 2018 survey -- the "Planned Revisions of the Tankan" will be fully realized.
- "Planned Revisions of the Tankan" (Research and Statistics Department of the Bank of Japan, December 2016)
Effective with the release of the March 2020 survey, release materials will be changed to reflect the changes above (for the March survey, the Comprehensive Data Set will be released on April 2, 2020, following the releases of the Summary and the Outline on April 1).
Reference: New release format of the Summary from the March 2020 Survey
Business Survey Group, Economic Statistics Division, Research and Statistics Department
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