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Monetary Policy Releases 2006


Table : Monetary Policy Releases 2006
Date Title
Dec. 19, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged, Announced at 12:26 pm) [PDF 58KB]
Nov. 16, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged, Announced at 12:24 pm) [PDF 56KB]
Oct. 31, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged, Announced at 12:47 pm) [PDF 40KB]
Oct. 13, 2006 Amendment to "Guidelines on Eligible Collateral" 
Oct. 13, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged, Announced at 12:47 pm) [PDF 56KB]
Sept.  8, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged, Announced at 12:37 pm) [PDF 58KB]
Aug. 11, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged, Announced at 12:17 pm) [PDF 118KB]
July 21, 2006 Change in Unit for Bid Rates in Competitive Yield Auctions 
July 14, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (Change in the Guideline for Money Market Operations, Announced at 1:40 pm) [PDF 36KB]
June 15, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged) 
May  19, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged) 
Apr. 28, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged) 
Apr. 11, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged) 
Apr. 11, 2006 Introduction of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral 
Mar. 10, 2006 The Bank's Thinking on Price Stability 
Mar.  9, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (Change in the Guideline for Money Market Operations) 
Mar.  9, 2006 The Introduction of a New Framework for the Conduct of Monetary Policy 
Feb.  9, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged) 
Jan. 20, 2006 Announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting Decisions (unchanged)