Balance of Payments Related Statistics (Data Based on the BPM5)
The data through 2013 (discontinued) are posted.
Balance of Payments related statistics are aggregated and estimated by the Bank of Japan, which is entrusted by the Minister of Finance under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. The statistics are jointly released by the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan.
Data compiled based on the fifth edition of the Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and related materials are posted. For data compiled based on the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) published by the IMF and related materials, please see Balance of Payments Related Statistics (Data Based on the BPM6 [Data from January 2014 onward]).
Balance of Payments
The statistics are jointly released by the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan.
Gross External Debt Position of Japan
Table : Gross External Debt Position of Japan
Date |
Detail |
Data |
Sept. 8, 2014 |
End of December 2013 - Final Figures |
[ZIP 18KB] |
International Investment Position of Japan (Calendar Year Data)
Table : International Investment Position of Japan (Calendar Year Data)
Date |
Detail |
Data |
May 27, 2014 |
End of 1996-2013 (excluding securities lending) |
[ZIP 16KB] |
May 25, 2001 |
End of 1995-2000 (including securities lending) |
[ZIP 11KB] |
International Investment Position of Japan (Quarterly Data)
Table : International Investment Position of Japan (Quarterly Data)
Date |
Detail |
Data |
Sept. 8, 2014 |
End of December 2013 - Final Figures |
[ZIP 16KB] |
Direct Investment Position by Region and Industry
Regional Direct Investment Position, Regional Portfolio Investment and Financial Derivatives Position
Table : Regional Direct Investment Position, Regional Portfolio Investment and Financial Derivatives Position
Date |
Detail |
Data |
May 27, 2014 |
End of 2013 |
[ZIP 31KB] |
May 28, 2013 |
End of 2012 |
[ZIP 31KB] |
May 22, 2012 |
End of 2011 |
[ZIP 27KB] |
May 24, 2011 |
End of 2010 |
[ZIP 28KB] |
May 25, 2010 |
End of 2009 |
[ZIP 29KB] |
Feb. 8, 2010 |
End of 2008 |
[ZIP 29KB] |
May 23, 2008 |
End of 2007 |
[ZIP 23KB] |
May 25, 2007 |
End of 2006 |
[ZIP 28KB] |
May 26, 2006 |
End of 2005 |
[ZIP 28KB] |
June 9, 2005 |
End of 2004 |
[ZIP 19KB] |
June 9, 2005 |
End of 2003 |
[ZIP 19KB] |
June 9, 2005 |
End of 2002 |
[ZIP 19KB] |
June 9, 2005 |
Regional Direct Investment Position (End of 2001) and Regional Portfolio Investment Position (End of 2000-2001) |
[ZIP 23KB] |
June 9, 2005 |
End of 2000 |
[ZIP 13KB] |
Aug. 7, 2000 |
End of 1999 |
[ZIP 21KB] |
Aug. 7, 2000 |
End of 1998 |
[ZIP 19KB] |
Aug. 7, 2000 |
End of 1997 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
Aug. 7, 2000 |
End of 1996 |
[ZIP 36KB] |
Portfolio Investment Position (Assets) by Currency and Type of Securities
Table : Portfolio Investment Position (Assets) by Currency and Type of Securities
Date |
Detail |
Data |
May 27, 2014 |
End of 2013 |
[ZIP 6KB] |
May 28, 2013 |
End of 2012 |
[ZIP 6KB] |
May 22, 2012 |
End of 2011 |
[ZIP 4KB] |
May 24, 2011 |
End of 2010 |
[ZIP 4KB] |
May 25, 2010 |
End of 2009 |
[ZIP 4KB] |
May 26, 2009 |
End of 2008 |
[ZIP 4KB] |
May 23, 2008 |
End of 2007 |
[ZIP 4KB] |
May 25, 2007 |
End of 2006 |
[ZIP 4KB] |
May 26, 2006 |
End of 2005 |
[ZIP 4KB] |
Outward/Inward Direct Investment by Region and Industry
Table : Outward/Inward Direct Investment by Region and Industry
Date |
Detail |
Data |
Apr. 8, 2014 |
2013 C.Y. |
[PDF 237KB] |
Apr. 8, 2014 |
4th quarter 2013 |
[PDF 214KB] |
Jan. 14, 2014 |
3rd quarter 2013 |
[PDF 225KB] |
Oct. 8, 2013 |
2nd quarter 2013 |
[PDF 212KB] |
July 8, 2013 |
1st quarter 2013 |
[PDF 219KB] |
Apr. 8, 2013 |
2012 C.Y. |
[PDF 230KB] |
Apr. 8, 2013 |
4th quarter 2012 |
[PDF 221KB] |
Jan. 11, 2013 |
3rd quarter 2012 |
[PDF 217KB] |
Oct. 9, 2012 |
2nd quarter 2012 |
[PDF 209KB] |
July 9, 2012 |
1st quarter 2012 |
[PDF 239KB] |
Apr. 9, 2012 |
2011 C.Y. |
[ZIP 43KB] |
Apr. 9, 2012 |
4th quarter 2011 |
[ZIP 39KB] |
Jan. 12, 2012 |
3rd quarter 2011 |
[ZIP 39KB] |
Oct. 11, 2011 |
2nd quarter 2011 |
[ZIP 39KB] |
July 8, 2011 |
1st quarter 2011 |
[ZIP 41KB] |
Apr. 8, 2011 |
2010 C.Y. |
[ZIP 43KB] |
Apr. 8, 2011 |
4th quarter 2010 |
[ZIP 39KB] |
Jan. 12, 2011 |
3rd quarter 2010 |
[ZIP 37KB] |
Oct. 8, 2010 |
2nd quarter 2010 |
[ZIP 37KB] |
July 8, 2010 |
1st quarter 2010 |
[ZIP 36KB] |
Apr. 8, 2010 |
2009 C.Y. |
[ZIP 42KB] |
Apr. 8, 2010 |
4th quarter 2009 |
[ZIP 35KB] |
Jan. 12, 2010 |
3rd quarter 2009 |
[ZIP 38KB] |
Oct. 8, 2009 |
2nd quarter 2009 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
Feb. 8, 2010 |
1st quarter 2009 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
Apr. 8, 2009 |
2008 C.Y. |
[ZIP 41KB] |
Apr. 8, 2009 |
4th quarter 2008 |
[ZIP 35KB] |
Jan. 13, 2009 |
3rd quarter 2008 |
[ZIP 36KB] |
Oct. 15, 2008 |
2nd quarter 2008 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
July 10, 2008 |
1st quarter 2008 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
Apr. 10, 2008 |
2007 C.Y. |
[ZIP 40KB] |
Apr. 10, 2008 |
4th quarter 2007 |
[ZIP 35KB] |
Jan. 16, 2008 |
3rd quarter 2007 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
Oct. 11, 2007 |
2nd quarter 2007 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
July 11, 2007 |
1st quarter 2007 |
[ZIP 33KB] |
Apr. 11, 2007 |
2006 C.Y. |
[ZIP 39KB] |
Apr. 11, 2007 |
4th quarter 2006 |
[ZIP 33KB] |
Jan. 17, 2007 |
3rd quarter 2006 |
[ZIP 33KB] |
Oct. 12, 2006 |
2nd quarter 2006 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
July 13, 2006 |
1st quarter 2006 |
[ZIP 32KB] |
Apr. 12, 2006 |
2005 C.Y. |
[ZIP 39KB] |
Apr. 12, 2006 |
4th quarter 2005 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
Jan. 16, 2006 |
3rd quarter 2005 |
[ZIP 35KB] |
Oct. 13, 2005 |
2nd quarter 2005 |
[ZIP 34KB] |
July 13, 2005 |
1st quarter 2005 |
[ZIP 38KB] |
List of Member Countries (OECD, ASEAN, EU)
Related Research Papers
For research papers related to Balance of Payments statistics, please see Home > International Finance > List of Research Papers Related to International Finance.
Long-Term Time-Series Data
Notices of Changes and Corrections
Notices of Changes
- May 12, 2014
- Revision of Seasonally Adjusted Balance of Payments Data (from January 1996 to December 2013)
- Oct. 8, 2013
- Revision of Balance of Payments Related Statistics in Japan
- Oct. 11, 2011
- Change in Source Data for Travel Credits in Japan's Balance of Payments Statistics
- Aug. 8, 2011
- Change in the Classification of Insurance Claims in the Balance of Payments Statistics
- Aug. 9, 2010
- Balance of Payments: Expansion of Items Released under "Services" and "Income" in the Regional Data
- July 8, 2010
- Balance of Payments: Release of New Data for Europe
- Mar. 8, 2010
- Balance of Payments: Expansion of Items Released under "Other Services"
- Mar. 8, 2010
- Change in the Classification of Short-Term Gold Trading in the Balance of Payments Statistics
- Jan. 12, 2010
- Recording of SDR Allocations in the Balance of Payments Statistics (Reposted on July 26, 2016)
- July 8, 2009
- Updating of Source Data for "Travel" in the Balance of Payments Statistics
- Nov. 12, 2007
- Revisions of the Categories of Outward Portfolio Investors in the Balance of Payments Statistics
- July 11, 2007
- Release of the Data for the Balance of Payments between Japan and Viet Nam
- May 25, 2007
- Change in the Method for Compiling Direct Investment Position
- May 25, 2007
- Release of the Market-Value Estimate of the Direct Investment Position
- Aug. 10, 2006
- Release of Regional Breakdown Data for "Workers' Remittances" in the Balance of Payments Statistics
- Aug. 1, 2006
- Replacement of Long-Term Time-Series Data in Regional Balance of Payments Statistics in Line with the Revision of the Methodology for Measuring Sea Freight Fares
- July 4, 2006
- Change in the Method for Compiling "Travel" in the Balance of Payments Statistics
- June 22, 2006
- Replacement of Long-Term Time-Series Data in Balance of Payments Statistics in Line with the Revision of the Methodology for Measuring Sea Freight Fares
- June 5, 2006
- The Outline of Survey Results on Expenditures for Traveling to Japan and Traveling Abroad
- May 26, 2006
- Expansion of Released Items of International Investment Position
- Apr. 12, 2006
- Expansion of Released Items of Outward / Inward Direct Investment
- Mar. 13, 2006
- Expansion of Data Sources for "Workers' Remittances"
- Feb. 20, 2006
- Revision of the Method for Calculating Reinvested Earnings
- Jan. 17, 2006
- Change in a Definition concerning Bonds and Notes in the Balance of Payments Statistics
- July 13, 2005
- Release of industrial/regional breakdowns of direct investment data
- Dec. 30, 2004
- Revision of Balance of Payments Related Statistics
- Apr. 12, 2004
- Resumption of the Dissemination of Data Regarding the Sub-components of "Business" and "Personal" Under "Travel" in Balance of Payments Statistics
- Oct. 21, 2003
- Dissemination of External Debt Statistics
- July 14, 2003
- Revision of Compilation Methodology for Balance of Payments Statistics on Travel in Japan
- May 24, 2002
- International Investment Position (IIP): Changes of compiling methodologies of financial derivatives and securities lending
- Feb. 14, 2002
- Modification of Structure on Financial Derivatives
Notices of Corrections
- Dec. 10, 2012
- Revision of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position
- Sept. 10, 2012
- Correction of data on "Gross External Debt Position of Japan"
- Apr. 9, 2012
- Revision of "Balance of Payments Statistics"
- Apr. 8, 2011
- Revision of "Balance of Payments Statistics"
- Feb. 8, 2010
- Revision of "Balance of Payments Statistics"
- Feb. 8, 2010
- Revision of Figures in Regional Direct Investment Position and Regional Portfolio Investment Position