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List of Publications


July 22, 2024
Bank of Japan
Public Relations Department


Table : Periodicals
Title Description Price1
  • Quarterly
    (March, June, September, and December)
  • Japanese
The Bank of Japan's public relations magazine containing articles on the Bank's business operations and history, information gathered through the Bank's office network, and explanations concerning finance and the economy. Free of charge

Reference Books

Table : Reference Books
TitleDescription Price1
Functions and Operations of the Bank of Japan
  • Published in 2012 (second edition)
  • English/Japanese
The official translation of the revised Japanese edition published in March 2011. This is the second English edition. English: available on the Bank's website.
Japanese: 2,640 yen
CURRENCY MUSEUM Guide to the Exhibits
  • Published in 2017
A catalog of the displays on permanent exhibition at the Currency Museum. 2,420 yen


Table : Pamphlets
Title Description Price1
Bank of Japan: Its Functions and Organization Distributed to participants in the Bank of Japan's in-house tours and to visitors to the Bank's offices in Japan. Provides a concise and easy-to-follow overview of the Bank's functions and operations, as well as its history and organizational structure. Free of charge
The Bank of Japan Main Building: An Important Cultural Property Distributed to participants of the Bank's in-house tours at the Head Office. Introduces the Bank's Main Building, which was designated an important cultural property in 1974. Free of charge
Leaflets on currencies Available at the Information Room of the Bank's Head Office. A set of leaflets featuring pictures of Japan's valid banknotes and coins. Free of charge
Currency Museum Distributed to visitors to the Bank's Currency Museum and the Information Room at the Bank's Head Office. Briefly covers the exhibitions and general information of the Currency Museum. Free of charge


  1. Prices include tax, but exclude delivery and handling fees.


  • To obtain copies of publications that are free of charge, please contact the Bank's Public Relations Department at the e-mail address below (copies are subject to availability) : prdmail(at) *Please change (at) to @.
  • To purchase any publications on the list, please contact the following companies (the Japanese version of some of the publications may be purchased at bookstores in Japan as well). Please note that the Bank is not directly involved in the sales of these publications.

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From inside Japan