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List of Research Papers Related to Monetary Policy


List of Research Papers
Date Title
Nov.  7, 2016 Supplementary Paper Series for the "Comprehensive Assessment" (3): Policy Effects since the Introduction of Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing (QQE) -- Assessment Based on the Bank of Japan's Large-scale Macroeconomic Model (Q-JEM)-- 
Oct. 18, 2016 Supplementary Paper Series for the "Comprehensive Assessment" (2): Developments in the Natural Rate of Interest in Japan 
Oct. 14, 2016 Supplementary Paper Series for the "Comprehensive Assessment" (1): Developments in Inflation Expectations over the Three Years since the Introduction of Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing (QQE) 
Sept. 30, 2016 What Determines the Base Salary of Full-time/Part-time Workers? 
Aug. 10, 2016 Determinants of Launch Spreads on EM USD-Denominated Corporate Bonds 
Aug.  1, 2016 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2015 
July 29, 2016 Firms' Inflation Expectations and Wage-setting Behaviors 
Apr. 15, 2016 Corporate Profits and Business Fixed Investment: Why are Firms So Cautious about Investment? 
Mar.  2, 2016 Long-term interest rates and bank loan supply: Evidence from firm-bank loan-level data 
Dec. 11, 2015 Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing and Long-Term Interest Rates: The Effects through the Stock of "Net Supply" and Maturity Structure of Japanese Government Bonds 
Nov. 20, 2015 Performance of Core Indicators of Japan's Consumer Price Index 
Nov. 20, 2015 Core Inflation and the Business Cycle 
Sept. 30, 2015 Household Inflation Expectations: The Term Structure and the Anchor Effects of Monetary Policy 
July 30, 2015 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2014 
July 30, 2015 A new technique for estimating currency premiums 
July  9, 2015 Are Household Inflation Expectations Anchored in Japan? 
July  9, 2015 What do negative inflation risk premia tell us? 
June  4, 2015 The natural yield curve: its concept and measurement 
May   1, 2015 Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing: Assessment of Its Effects in the Two Years since Its Introduction 
May   1, 2015 The natural yield curve: its concept and developments in Japan 
May   1, 2015 Has Trend Inflation Shifted?: An Empirical Analysis with a Regime-Switching Model 
Apr. 16, 2015 Estimating inflation risk premia from nominal and real yield curves using a shadow-rate model 
Aug. 12, 2014 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2013 
June 19, 2014 Portfolio Rebalancing Following the Bank of Japan's Government Bond Purchases: A Fact Finding Analysis Using the Flow of Funds Accounts Statistics 
June 19, 2014 Portfolio Rebalancing Following the Bank of Japan's Government Bond Purchases: Empirical Analysis Using Data on Bank Loans and Investment Flows 
Apr. 11, 2014 Confidence Erosion and Herding Behavior in Bond Markets: An Essay on Central Bank Communication Strategy 
Nov.  8, 2013 Downward Rigidity in Households' Price Expectations: An Analysis Based on the Bank of Japan's 'Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior' 
Sept. 20, 2013 On the Reliability of Japanese Inflation Expectations Using Purchasing Power Parity 
June 19, 2013 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2012 
May   8, 2013 Estimating Term Premia at the Zero Bound: An Analysis of Japanese, US, and UK Yields 
May   2, 2013 Identifying Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy Shocks: A Latent Threshold Approach 
Feb. 28, 2013 Monetary Policy and Inflation Dynamics in Asset Price Bubbles 
Nov.  2, 2012 Identification of Structural Shocks under the Zero Lower Bound on Nominal Interest Rates 
June 11, 2012 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2011 
Feb. 27, 2012 The Effects of Demographic Changes on the Real Interest Rate in Japan 
Aug. 10, 2011 A Global Game Analysis of Emergent Liquidity Provision and the Role of Creditors' Aggregate Behavior as Signaling 
May  31, 2011 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2010 
May  27, 2011 A Positive Theory of Fixed-Rate Funds-Supplying Operations in an Accommodative Financial Environment 
May  27, 2011 What has caused the surge in global commodity prices and strengthened cross-market linkage? 
Mar. 30, 2011 Changes in the Federal Reserve Communication Strategy: A Structural Investigation 
Sept.  1, 2010 Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth 
July 30, 2010 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2009 
Aug. 31, 2009 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2008 
Mar. 27, 2009 Central Bank Responses to the Money Market Turmoil Stemming from Subprime Woes: Review of the Initial Phase from August 2007 until July 2008 
Sept. 26, 2008 Background to the High Level of Banknotes in Circulation and Demand Deposits 
Aug. 29, 2008 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2007 
July 16, 2008 Cross-currency transmission of money market tensions 
Dec. 28, 2007 Stabilization in the Volatility of Output: A Decline in Cross-industry Comovements 
Aug. 29, 2007 A Macro-Finance Analysis of the Term Structure and Monetary Policy in Japan: Using a Model with Time-Variant Equilibrium Rates of Real Interest and Inflation and with the Zero Lower Bound of Nominal Interest Rates 
July 31, 2007 Money Market Operations in Fiscal 2006